| - Juuloc and Kukaro strolled the gates of Turaga Lome's penthouse. The night sky was filled with Matoran flying luminous B4's around, and the lights from office buildings and recreational centres shone with all the brilliance they could muster. Kukaro looked at the clock face on the distant Library and saw that the time was 10pm. Turaga Lome's meeting should be over by now, Kukaro thought to himself. He could tell that Juuloc was thinking the same thing, although he didn't know how. Suddenly, a loud blast threw the two Matoran towards the edge of the building. If there hadn't been a barrier, they would have gone over the edge, and plummetted to their doom. Juuloc looked at behind him to see a white and silver Rahkshi carrying Turaga Lome on its back. It had a staff in one hand, and a Zamor Sphere Launcher in the other. Before either Juuloc or Kukaro could act, the Rahkshi had leapt off the building and was free-running on the rooftops. Without thinkng, the two bodyguards followed. Juuloc had never attemped anything as stupid as this before. Every time he jumped from building to building, he only just managed to catch the edge, whereas the Rahkshi n front cleared them with ease. He couldn't figure out where the creature was headed, he just knew that he had to stop it. Whilst Juuloc was thinking this, Kukaro fired his Sonic Trident at the Rahkshi. It caught the creature's legs, and sent it flying over the side of the building, along with Turaga Lome. Kukaro froze in horror, but his Ta Matoran companion was ahead, and jumped off after the Turaga. "I'M COMING!" Juuloc shouted at Lome. His foot caught on a fabric wall hanging, and hooked his staff around Turaga Lome's left ankle. He'd done it! But he was still just hanging there...and he didn't know how long he could hold on. Down below, the Iarn Military tied up the Rahkshi, and loaded it onto the back of a Rapidera T20. The Captain, a Matoran wearing a purple Kanohi Pakari, called an Axalara T9 to rescue Juuloc and the Turaga.