| - The Gree were a species of aliens with a pronounced proboscis. The stimulation of a Gree's follicles on their proboscis resulted in a swelling of the auricular canal, according to The Doctor. (VOY: "Elogium")
- I Gree furono una specie di cefalopodi grigi tentacolati provenienti da un pianeta omonimo. Ogni Gree possedeva una serie di sei tentacoli ed una testa sproporzionata rispetto al corpo, alti al massimo poco più di un metro. Essi evolvettero in una Atmosfera di Tipo II e solitamente coprivano la parte più bassa dei loro volti con dei veli o delle vesti quando si trovavano invece in una Atmosfera di Tipo I.
- GREE ist eine deutsche Progressive-Rock-Band aus dem Raum Freiburg im Breisgau und Lahr. Die Besetzung besteht aus vier Musikern: Stefan „Milo“ (Gesang, Gitarre), Martin (Gitarre), Michael (Bass) und Bernd (Schlagzeug).
- Gree was the leader of a tribe of underground trolls. He wore a tattered scarf once owned by an elf. Although they were used by the remaining Horde in Khaz Modan as roaming guards, they would once in awhile capture and eat a single orc if given the chance. He helped capture Vereesa Windrunner and Falstad Dragonreaver, but died in a battle against hill dwarves — the rescuers of Vereesa and Falstad. Vereesa commented that Gree's tribe were the lowest kind of trolls, wandering dark underground tunnels. (DotD 253, 256)
- The Gree were a species of tentacled gray cephalopods from the planet Gree. Each Gree had six tentacles and an oversized head, and stood between 0.8 and 1.2 meters tall. Gree evolved in a Type II atmosphere, and generally covered their lower faces with odd spongy devices (presumably breath masks) in Type I atmospheres.
- <default>Gree</default> Full Name Gender Status Species Creation Appearances Age Friends and Relatives Enemies Family Voiced by Gree is the main antagonist of the Geo series. He hates Geo, Reo, Coraline and other people at Basopolis. He also wants to rule Basopolis.
- Gree sind eine Spezies, deren Äußeres einen ausgeprägten Rüssel aufweist. Dem Doktor nach, führt eine Stimulation der Follikel der Gree zu einer Schwellung des Gehörgangs. (VOY: )
- The Gree, according to Ferengi legend, were a sentient race that once shared the planet Ferenginar with the Ferengi. The Gree were giants with seven rows of teeth, claws, and poison-tipped barbs instead of hair. The Gree and the Ferengi fought many deadly and profitless wars, until finally, the Blessed Exchequer decided to hold a Sacred Auction for the divine right to rule over Ferenginar. Both sides bid away their finest physical attributes, leaving the Ferengi appearing as they do presently, but turning the Gree into little more than worms. Thus they won the Sacred Auction, but shortly after, Ferengi began to trap and eat the Gree. (DS9 reference: Legends of the Ferengi)
- GREE, Inc., or GREE for short, is the company (and Social Media Service), alongside Square Enix, that created The World Ends With You Live Remix.
- GREE focuses primarily on mobile games and over ninety percent of its users access the site via their mobile phones. The company makes money by selling virtual goods to users such as clothes for their in-game avatars. Social networking features of GREE include the user profile, diary, communities, photo sharing and photo emailing. It serves as a platform for promoting communication and mutual understanding among its members.
- As part of the Galactic Reputation system, player characters can gain reputation with The Green Enclave completing missions during the Relics of the Gree World Event. "This advanced species was noted as being one of the oldest civilizations and most ancient in the galaxy. Much of their own history was shrouded to the Gree themselves, with the secrets of their origins being lost. Most scholars believed that the Gree developed on their own homeworld of Gree hundreds of thousands of years before the Galactic Republic. Following a long period of evolution, it was thought that they had developed some form of hyperspace technology whereupon they moved to explore the stars. Their initial expansion in ancient times was achieved through their remarkable technology that included sophisticated naviga
- This species were a six-tentacled race of cephalopod creatures that had gray skin with large sad-looking eyes along with tall foreheads. These features supported an immense brain sac which flopped oddly behind their heads. There was no visible mouth present on their faces though it was thought that multiple fleshy folds beneath the eyes served vocal oral communication needs. Their evolution on their homeworld meant that they were comfortable in Type II atmospheres with Type I being unpleasant to them. As such, when travelling through such an environment, they wore odd spongy communication devices to cover their communication folds.