Attributes | Values |
| - Rebel Alliance Sourcebook (Second Edition)
| |
| - *Bantha
*Cracian thumper
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Publish Date
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| - *Gial Ackbar
*Wedge Antilles
*Walex Blissex
*Loom Carplin
*Travia Chan
*Beryl Chiffonage
*Kredo Daar
*Channe Dar
*Biggs Darklighter
*Jan Dodonna
*Mehar Grot
*Arhul Hextrophon
*Bob Hudsol
*Obi-Wan Kenobi
*Crix Madine
*Mon Mothma
*Voren Na'al
*Nin Nemb
*Bail Prestor Organa
*Leia Organa
*Carlist Rieekan
*Anton Saar
*Anna Seertay
*Luke Skywalker
*Han Solo
*Greg Somax
*Adar Tallon
*Wilhuff Tarkin
*Troomis' sister
*Unidentified Alliance female
*Unidentified Alliance medic
*Unidentified Alliance officer (Gaulus)
*Unidentified Alliance Support Services pilot
*Unidentified Imperial admiral (Oplovis Fleet)
*Unidentified Imperial general (Tiems)
*Unidentified Rebel sergeant
*Darth Vader
*Duron Veertag
*Anj Zavor
| |
| - *Battle in the Yuvern system
*Battle of Tiems
*Battle of the Generis system
*Battle of Yavin
*Cantham House Meetings
*Clone Wars
*Corellian System Meetings
*Corellian Treaty
*Declaration of Rebellion
*Ghorman Massacre
*Operation Cobolt
*Operation Domino
*Raid on Fara's Belt
*Royal Award Ceremony
*Tocan system disaster
*Treaty of Generis
| - Raid on Fara's Belt
- Above-Ground Sensors
- Formal Declaration of Rebellion
- Operation Cobolt
- Slang Week: Alliance Intelligence
- Starfighter Combat School
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Cover Artist
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| - *23er
*After Action Report
*Alliance Credit
*Alliance Maintenance Lecture 139: Battle Maintenance Schedule for an X-wing Starfighter
*Alliance military uniform
*Alliance Strategy and Tactics Lecture 137: Combat Starfighters
*Alliance Strategy and Tactics Lecture series
*Alliance War Bond
*Constitutional Convention
*Data screen unit
*Erasmus gambit
*The Force
*The galaxy
*Identification plate
*Imperial standard meter
*Lecture Number 522: Organization of Alliance Command
*Metric ton
*Of Droids and Men
*Ration pack
*Raynon scarf
*Rebel command insignia
*Safe world
*Secession Worlds
*Shantipole Project
*Suicide pill
**Ackbar Slash
**Attack Pattern Delta
**Bantha Decoy
**Battle spread
**Capping the "T"
**Feint and Backstab
**Reverse Throttle Hop
**Rogue Doctrine
**Tallon Roll
**Under Split
*Tramp shuttle
*''Treatise on Starfighter Tactics
*Standard year
*"Yer in the Rebellion Now, Farmboy"
| - *Airspeeder
**T-16 skyhopper
**T-47 airspeeder
*Combat Assault Vehicle
**Heavy Tracker
**Ultra-Light Assault Vehicle
*Death Star
**DS-1 Orbital Battle Station
*Ground Assault Vehicle
*Light Mechanized Vehicle
**A-A5 speeder truck
**Arrow-23 landspeeder
**Personnel Skiff Model IV
*Speeder bike
**A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter
**BTL Y-wing starfighter
***BTL-A4 Y-wing starfighter
***BTL-A4 LP "Longprobe"
***BTL-S3 Y-wing starfighter
**RZ-1 A-wing interceptor
**T-65 X-wing starfighter
***T-65B X-wing starfighter
***T-65C-A2 X-wing starfighter
**TIE Series
***TIE/IN interceptor
***TIE/LN starfighter
**Z-95 Headhunter
***Z-95XT Trainer
**Assault boat
**Assault Frigate
***Assault Frigate Mark I
**Bulk cruiser
***Neutron Star-class bulk cruiser
**Bulk freighter
***Action series
****Action VI transport
***CR90 corvette
****Tantive IV
***Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser
***Mon Calamari Star Cruiser
****MC80a Star Cruiser
***YT-1300 light freighter
****Millennium Falcon
***EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate
****Far Orbit
***DP20 frigate
**Hospital ship
**Star Destroyer
***Imperial-class Star Destroyer
***Super-class Star Destroyer
***Assault shuttle
***Wolden-class shuttle
***GR-75 medium transport
***Kleeque-class transport
***Unidentified Alliance Support Services transport
*Sub-Atmospheric Craft
**All Terrain Armored Transport
**All Terrain Scout Transport
| |
| - *Gaulian
*Mon Calamari
*Tusken Raider
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| - hyperspace/member/sourcearchive/news20070822.html
- hyperspace/member/sourcearchive/news20070613.html
- hyperspace/member/sourcearchive/news20070626.html
- hyperspace/member/sourcearchive/news20070808.html
- hyperspace/member/sourcearchive/news20070814.html
- hyperspace/member/sourcearchive/f20070823/index.html
book title
| - Rebel Alliance Sourcebook
| - *AccuTronics
*Alliance to Restore the Republic
**Alliance Civil Government
***Chief of State
****Advisory Council
***Alliance Cabinet
****Secretary of the Cabinet
*****Ministry of Education
******Minister of Education
*******Civil Intelligence
********System Intelligence Branch
*******Propaganda Bureau
*****Finance Ministry
******Minister of Finance
*****Ministry of Industry
******Minister of Industry
*****Ministry of State
******Minister of State
******Alliance Diplomatic Corps
*****Ministry of Supply
******Minister of Supply
*****Ministry of War
******Minister of War
*******Committee on Starfighter Acquisition and Maintenance
***Allied Command
****Chief Executive
****Allied Cabinet
*****Secretary of Education
*****Secretary of Finance
*****Secretary of Industry
******Secretary of Industry for Churnis
*****Secretary of State
*****Secretary of Supply
*****Secretary of War
**Alliance Intelligence
***Chief of Intelligence
****Senior Intelligence Officer
*****Naval Supply
****Passive Operations
***Sector Intelligence/Systems Operations
****Case officer
*****Network leader
******Area coordinator
*******Cell network
**Alliance Military
***Alliance High Command
****High Command Base
*****Chief of Staff
******Supreme Allied Command
*******Supreme Allied Commanders
********Fleet Command
*********Admiral of the Fleet
********Alliance Intelligence
*********Chief of Intelligence
********Ordnance and Supply
*********Chief of Ordnance and Supply
********Sector Command
*********Chief of Sector Command
**********Command Group
********Special Forces Command
*********Chief of Special Forces Command
********Starfighter Command
*********Chief of Starfighter Command
*********Rogue Squadron
********Support Services
*********Chief of Support Services
*********Supply Fleet
****Alliance Army
*****Officer Candidate School
****Alliance Fleet
*****Admiral of the Fleet
******Line Admirals
******Starfighter Command
******Fleet Intelligence
******Ordnance and Support
*****Department of Naval Ordnance and Supply
*****Line of battle
****Alliance Special Forces
*****Heavy Weapons Specialists
******Black Team
******Red Team
******White Team
*****Urban Guerrillas
*****Wilderness Fighters
****Alliance Forces
****Sector Force
*****Atrivis Sector Force
*******Chief of Staff
*******Starfighter Command
*******Outer Rim Communications Center
*******Ordnance and Support
*******Fest Alliance Forces
********Fest commando unit
*******Mantooine Ground Forces
********Mantooine Liberators
**Bureau of Supply
**Sector Command
***Sector Headquarters
****Sector Commander
****Sector Intelligence
*Atgar SpaceDefense Corporation
*Atrivis Resistance Group
*Arakyd Industries
*Aratech Repulsor Company
*BlasTech Industries
*Corellian Engineering Corporation
*Cybot Galactica
*Czerka Arms
*Drill sergeant
*Fest collaborationist government
**Fest military
**Fest police force
*Fighter wing
**Wing Commander
****Squadron commander
******Flight leader
*******Flight element
*First Chairman
*Fleet Admiral
*Flight controller
*Galactic Empire
**1st Regiment
**2nd Regiment (Tiems)
**3rd Regiment
**4th Regiment
**Commission for the Preservation of the New Order
**Galactic Emperor
**Imperial Academy
**Imperial Intelligence
**Imperial Military
***Imperial Army
****Garrison Company 125a
***Imperial Navy
****Naval Command
*****Death Squadron
*****Oplovis Sector Fleet
*****Tierfon Sector Fleet
***Stormtrooper Corps
**Imperial Propaganda Bureau
**Imperial Security Bureau
**Imperial Survey Corps
*Galactic Republic
**Galactic Senate
***Financial Appropriations Committee
***Finance Committee
***Senate Intelligence Oversight Committee
***Senate Military Oversight Committee
**Republic Navy
*Gallofree Yards, Inc.
*Golan Arms
*Incom Corporation
*Industrial Automaton
*Jedi Knight
*Kelliak Arms and Armor Company
*Kuat Drive Yards
*Legion of Alderaan
*Mantooine government
**Mantooine government army
*Mekuun Corporation
*Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc.
*Mobquet Swoops and Speeders
*New Republic
*Rendili StarDrive
*Slayn & Korpil
*SoroSuub Corporation
*Sublight Products Corporation
*Tana Ire
*Trast Heavy Transports
| |
| - *AC1 surveillance droid
*Astromech droid
**R2-series astromech droid
*B1-series worker droid
*Communications droid
*Courier droid
*Espionage droid
*M38-series explorer droid
*Medical droid
**2-1B surgical droid
**MD-0 medical droid
**MD-1 medical droid
**MD-2 medical droid
**MD-3 medical droid
**MD-4 medical droid
**MD-5 medical droid
*Probe droid
*Pilot droid
**V1 pilot droid
*Protocol droid
**3PO-series protocol droid
*SE4 servant droid
| - *Alderaan
*Atrivis sector
**Fest system
**Mantooine system
****Imperial orbital base
*Bestine IV
*Carrion sector
*Calamari system
***Mon Calamari Shipyards
*Chrellis system
***Chrellis Base
*Churnis sector
*Core Worlds
*Corporate Sector
*Craci system
*Galactic City
**Cantham House
*Generis system
***Generis base
***Generis orbital base
*Gaulus sector
***Alliance Base 16
*Harrod's Planet
**Echo Base
**North Ridge
*New Alderaan
*Oplovis sector
*Outer Rim Territories
*Reegian system
*Roche asteroid field
*Rolion sector
**Chirrion Base
**Fara's Belt
***Communications station
**Lobaq Station
*Sern sector
***Tosche Station/ Power Station
*Telaris system
**Blue River
**Gopps Forest
***Tiems power station
**Tiems Road
*Tierfon system
***Flitter's major city
*Tocan system
*Yavin 4
**Yavin Base
*Yuvern system
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