| - Boomstick is a Co-Op-based achievement in Turok. It is obtained by killing a Dilophosaurus with the ESUS Blackfly.
- A boomstick is a type of Gun. In Coldridge Valley, a dwarf near the practicing mortar team from time to time will yell, while holding his gun in the air, "This...is my BOOMSTICK!" which refers to a famous quote from the Evil Dead movies.
- A boomstick is a type of Gun. In Coldridge Valley, a dwarf near the practicing mortar team from time to time will yell, while holding his gun in the air, "This...is my BOOMSTICK!" which refers to a famous quote from the Evil Dead movies.
- Boomstick, along with Wiz, is a scientist from Command that was contacted by Caboose to find out who would win a Death Battle between the Meta and Carolina. It is hinted at the end of the video that Boomstick is the son of Sarge. Although Sarge caught onto this possibility, Boomstick did not, simply believing Sarge was a "nice guy."
- The Boomstick is a heavily modified Skipray Blastboat owned by Axel Vichten. The ship gained notoriety during Asteroid Kappa's critical days, when Axel engaged the Imperial fleet attacking the system. The use of the Boomstick to lure the famous Black Stars Squadron away from the Asteroid allowed the cumbersome base to make a trip into hyperspace. After that battle, the Boomstick made several more appearances against the Black Stars and their commander, Danik Kreldin.
- The Boomstick is a heavily modified Skipray Blastboat owned by Axel Vichten. The ship gained notoriety during Asteroid Kappa's critical days, when Axel engaged the Imperial fleet attacking the system. The use of the Boomstick to lure the famous Black Stars Squadron away from the Asteroid allowed the cumbersome base to make a trip into hyperspace. After that battle, the Boomstick made several more appearances against the Black Stars and their commander, Danik Kreldin. From SW1ki, a Wikia wiki.
- The Shotgun, better known for its nickname "Boomstick", is a weapon that Ash uses in The Evil Dead series and appeared in The Evil Dead, Evil Dead II, Army of Darkness, including the comics and video games. Ash himself explains many of it's features in Army of Darkness: "The twelve-gauge double-barreled Remington, S-Mart's top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about a hundred and nine, ninety five. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger."