| - Chaos Druid on tason 13 druidi. Niillä on 200 elämäpistettä. Chaos druid käyttää taikaa joka vähentää Attack eli Hyökkäystasoa yhdellä. Chaos druidit pudottelevat herbejä, joista jotkin ovat arvokkaita. (Esim. Grimy Ranarr, Grimy Dwarf Weed.) Näillä tienaa hyvin rahaa jos kerää repullisen täyteen ranareita ja dwarf weedejä saat jopa 200k kerättyä 30min. (Huom. Vain P2P)
- Herb running is a source of income for low-levels. It involves killing Chaos druids for their herbs and banking after a full load. This tactic can make over 100k-200k a trip. If you are keeping all the higher herbs, herb gloves from Fist of Guthix minigame (especially the higher levelled ones, such as Kwuarm gloves) can greatly increase your profits. Even though all the expensive herbs are (uncommon) drops from Chaos Druids, it is notable that Ranarrs tend to drop more frequently than the other expensive herbs.
- Herb running is een snelling bron van inkomsten voor laag tot hoog combat level, waarbij de speler tegelijk combat skills kan trainen. Je loopt simpelweg naar de plek van de druids, doodt ze, neemt de herbs die ze laten vallen, (meestal alleen de Ranarrs), bank, en keer terug. Als je dit goed doet, kan je hiermee 100k-150k verdienen per trip. Als je alle hogere herbs houdt, dan kunnen herb gloves van de Fist of Guthix minigame (vooral de betere zoals Kwuarm gloves) de winst sterk verhogen.
- Chaos druids are mostly found in the Taverley, Edgeville, and Yanille dungeons. They are commonly used as a training monster due to their high drop rate of grimy herbs. They use a magical attack which has the same animation as Snare and the draining effects of Confuse. Their attack will also stop you from attacking. Chaos druids in Edgeville and Taverley Dungeon are aggressive towards players below combat level 65. At other locations they do not attack on sight.
- Chaos druids are monsters who worship Zamorak. They are commonly used for Herblaw training because of their common herb drops. While in the Edgeville dungeon, low levels should be aware that these are one of the many monsters that are aggressive. Though they don't hit high nor often, they can be a nuisance while trying to leave the dungeon due to the fact that players must complete three rounds of combat before running away from the fight. They often attack players three to four times before they can exit.
- Chaos druids are low-level humans commonly killed for their consistent drops of herbs. Unlike most druids, they worship both Guthix and Zamorak. They attack using their fists and also use the Confuse spell. The Chaos druids' weakness is Ranged. Beware of player killers in the Edgeville Dungeon, as it is a popular place to train for people with low Defence. They are one of very few low-level monsters with access to the rare drop table, along with their already profitable drops; as such, even high-level players can frequently be found fighting them.