A small green gemstone on a platinum chain that has the power to leech the power of Dentang.
Der Green Gem (dt. Grüner Edelstein, jap. グリーンジェム Gurīnjemu) ist einer der sieben Gems aus Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) und ein optionales Level-Up-Item. Er ermöglicht es, die Fähigkeit Tornado zu benutzen.
The Green Gem (グリーンジェム Gurīnjemu?) is an optional Level Up Item for Sonic the Hedgehog in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) and is one of the seven customized Gems that can be obtained in the game.
The Green Gem is a treasure item that appears in Resident Evil 4. It is a rare gem that can be set into the Elegant Mask, along with the Red Gem and Purple Gem to increase its value. Alone, it can be sold for 3,000₧.
The green gem is a rare type of gem in the Crash Bandicoot series. Along with the other colored gems, this gem is very powerful and opens up secret areas.