| - MAP20: Breakdown is the twentieth level of Doom 64. One of the most disturbing maps, large portions of this level shift and change completely, disorienting the player and making navigation difficult. The BGM consists of suffering demon moans, the voices of humans ranging from tormented souls and marine communication speak, haunting orchestration and fly buzzing. However the Doom 64 TC version of this level still contains these hidden switches, and super secret rooms, or shrines. There are a total of four secret shrines.
| - MAP20: Breakdown is the twentieth level of Doom 64. One of the most disturbing maps, large portions of this level shift and change completely, disorienting the player and making navigation difficult. The BGM consists of suffering demon moans, the voices of humans ranging from tormented souls and marine communication speak, haunting orchestration and fly buzzing. In the Doom 64 TC, a shrine of Scuba Steve can be located. The console version was alleged to contain an extremely difficult to find secret which only a select few had supposedly discovered. An interview on Doom Depot revealed that this level was meant to contain an easter egg involving the red key room that even its creators could not remember how to activate. Many players have searched for this secret, however, no player has ever successfully found it, and according to Doom 64 TC creator Samuel Villarreal (Kaiser), the egg seems to have been removed, with useless fragments of its activation (specifically, a number of mysteriously tagged walls) scattered around the play area. In Doom 64 EX, a Doom 64 clone that loads its data from a copy of the original ROM, it is possible to use standard Doom II cheats like IDCLIP. In doing so, you find that this easter egg does not, in fact, exist. However the Doom 64 TC version of this level still contains these hidden switches, and super secret rooms, or shrines. There are a total of four secret shrines.