| - The sheds at Tidmouth are the main engine sheds on Sodor. In the Railway Series, it is shown as a shed with three or four rails leading in (the illustrations were inconsistent), but in later books it was depicted as shed enclosing ten berths around a turntable. In the television series, the sheds were replaced a roundhouse with a turntable at the front. Many events have taken place at the Sheds, such as the strike of the big engines and the confrontation between Duck, Diesel and the big engines.
- Tidmouth Sheds are the main engine sheds on Sodor. It was built in 1910 with 6 spaces and a turntable. Greater Tidmouth has a large roundhouse (which didn't beat this shed), Mid has a roundhouse with a turntable at the front, Lower an early shed with 3 or 4 tails leading in and Hault the same as Mid does. Before 1975, it was shown as a shed with 3 or 4 rails leading in (the illustrations were inconsistent), but between 1984 and 1994 it was depicted as shed enclosing ten berths around a turntable. Since 1995, the sheds were rebuilt in a style of a roundhouse with a turntable at the front.
- In the television series, the sheds were replaced by a roundhouse with six berths and a turntable outside at the front. Thomas, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy and Emily generally sleep here, although other engines occasionally spend the night here. Duck formerly slept here. The sheds have appeared in every season and special of Thomas and Friends.
| - The sheds at Tidmouth are the main engine sheds on Sodor. In the Railway Series, it is shown as a shed with three or four rails leading in (the illustrations were inconsistent), but in later books it was depicted as shed enclosing ten berths around a turntable. In the television series, the sheds were replaced a roundhouse with a turntable at the front. The sheds were rebuilt in "Calling All Engines" with a new arcitechural style and an extra berth for Emily. Diesel, 'Arry and Bert were put in charge of building them, but Thomas, believing they were destroying it, sabotaged the three, meaning the engines had to sleep elsewhere until its repair. Many events have taken place at the Sheds, such as the strike of the big engines and the confrontation between Duck, Diesel and the big engines.
- Tidmouth Sheds are the main engine sheds on Sodor. It was built in 1910 with 6 spaces and a turntable. Greater Tidmouth has a large roundhouse (which didn't beat this shed), Mid has a roundhouse with a turntable at the front, Lower an early shed with 3 or 4 tails leading in and Hault the same as Mid does. Before 1975, it was shown as a shed with 3 or 4 rails leading in (the illustrations were inconsistent), but between 1984 and 1994 it was depicted as shed enclosing ten berths around a turntable. Since 1995, the sheds were rebuilt in a style of a roundhouse with a turntable at the front. The sheds were rebuilt in 2005 with a new arcitechural style and an extra berth for Emily, Diesel, 'Arry and Bert were put in charge of building them, but Thomas, believing they were destroying it, sabotaged the three, meaning the engines had to sleep elsewhere until its repair. Many events have taken place at the Sheds, such as the strike of the big engines and the confrontation between Duck, Diesel and the big engines. Then, during 2008, the workmen made three more berths for BoCo, Oliver and Duck. During the year of 2011 and the middle of 2012, Rosie had a berth so she could stay with Thomas, Molly wished that she had a berth too, and to her surprise, she did. It was the berth next to Mavis and right beside Toby. Donald, Douglas, Diesel, Daisy, Den, Dart, Sidney, Norman, Paxton, Harvey, Salty, Murdoch, Whiff, and Spencer had berths too. Today, it is the best sheds on the Island of Sodor.
- In the television series, the sheds were replaced by a roundhouse with six berths and a turntable outside at the front. Thomas, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy and Emily generally sleep here, although other engines occasionally spend the night here. Duck formerly slept here. The sheds have appeared in every season and special of Thomas and Friends. During the events of Thomas and the Magic Railroad, the left side of the sheds was being repaired due to upgrades to the railway. The sheds were later demolished and rebuilt in Calling All Engines! with a new architectural style and an extra berth for Emily. Diesel, 'Arry and Bert were put in charge of building them, but Thomas, believing they were destroying it, sabotaged the three, causing the engines to sleep elsewhere until it was repaired. The turntable had frozen one time due to the icy weather and Gordon got trapped in the sheds until it was fixed. Later on, all of the steam team went on strike by refusing to leave the sheds until the Fat Controller was allowed to stay on Sodor, however it was just a misunderstanding as Sir Topham was never leaving.