| - Here, the captain could engage in administrative work with all relevant office equipment at hand without interfering with bridge operations while having instant access to the bridge in the event of a crisis. In addition, this room was usually the preferred place where the captain could hold private discussions and/or receive classified communications. In the absence of the ship's commanding officer, the use of the ready room accordingly fell to whichever officer was in command of the vessel at the time. (TNG: "The Arsenal of Freedom" etc.)
- The captain's ready room is the personal office that is reserved for the commanding officer of a starship. On Starfleet vessels it is typically accessed from the bridge. This area serves as a private workspace where the captain or commanding officer can engage in administrative work with all the needed office equipment on hand without interfering with normal bridge operations. In addition this area also provides a relaxed and private space were a commanding officer can go to in order to relax and work while somewhat escaping the pressures of command. In addition, this room also serves as the preferred place where the commanding officer can hold private discussions and/or receive classified communications.
- The Captain's Ready Room is a compartment on a Starship that essentially serves as a private office for the ship's commanding officer. On most Federation Starships, the Ready Room is adjacent to, or very close by the Bridge, as an alternative to his private cabin, which is usually on another deck. This is to enable the captain a refuge to rest during periods of Red Alert or some other emergency, when he needs to be close by the command center of the ship; this enables the captain to nap, while still remaining just a few steps away from taking command of his bridge. The Ready Room also serves the captain to do work and hold meetings in a small, private area where they cannot be overheard.
- Excelsior-class starships, like the USS Okinawa also possessed ready rooms, at least by the 24th century. Certain Klingon vessels were also so equipped. (DS9: "Paradise Lost", "Soldiers of the Empire", "Sons and Daughters", "Once More Unto the Breach") Aboard the USS Pendragon, Captain Timothy Sinclair kept numerous personal items in his ready room, including many books, photographs and model starships. Above the sofa, there was a painting of a lighthouse battered by a raging sea. (Star Trek: Pendragon: "Restoration", "Exile")
| - Here, the captain could engage in administrative work with all relevant office equipment at hand without interfering with bridge operations while having instant access to the bridge in the event of a crisis. In addition, this room was usually the preferred place where the captain could hold private discussions and/or receive classified communications. In the absence of the ship's commanding officer, the use of the ready room accordingly fell to whichever officer was in command of the vessel at the time. (TNG: "The Arsenal of Freedom" etc.)
- The Captain's Ready Room is a compartment on a Starship that essentially serves as a private office for the ship's commanding officer. On most Federation Starships, the Ready Room is adjacent to, or very close by the Bridge, as an alternative to his private cabin, which is usually on another deck. This is to enable the captain a refuge to rest during periods of Red Alert or some other emergency, when he needs to be close by the command center of the ship; this enables the captain to nap, while still remaining just a few steps away from taking command of his bridge. The Ready Room also serves the captain to do work and hold meetings in a small, private area where they cannot be overheard. To serve both of these functions, most starship Ready Rooms are equipped with a desk and computer terminal, comfortable chairs for guests, and a separate informal relaxation area with a couch and stuffed chairs, and perhaps a coffee table. The couch is often of practicality a convertible, which opens up into a bed, enabling the commanding officer to nap. The Ready Room is also commonly equipped with an adjacent head, a closet with spare uniforms, and a food replicator. Commanding officers generally decorate the Ready Room to personal preference; on the USS Twilight, Captain Jaryd Harker has installed a bookcase where he shelves several real, bound paper books, and a small dog bed for his pet beagle. On USS Enterprise, Captain Jean-Luc Picard keeps an ancient copy of the Complete Works of William Shakespeare on display behind glass or transparent aluminum. On USS Voyager, Captain Kathryn Janeway kept a silver coffee set, complete with coffee pot, cups, and spoons. Pictured: a typical Ready Room of a Nova Class Starship (refit.) This is also typical of any Federation Starship. On Twilight, there is a small armory for arming the bridge crew in case of hostile boarding, in addition to the private captain's head; only command-level officers have access to this small armory. There may be small armories on the Enterprise and other starships, but this was never indicated in any movie or Technical Manual, only implied in the movie "Star Trek: First Contact."
- Excelsior-class starships, like the USS Okinawa also possessed ready rooms, at least by the 24th century. Certain Klingon vessels were also so equipped. (DS9: "Paradise Lost", "Soldiers of the Empire", "Sons and Daughters", "Once More Unto the Breach") Aboard the USS Pendragon, Captain Timothy Sinclair kept numerous personal items in his ready room, including many books, photographs and model starships. Above the sofa, there was a painting of a lighthouse battered by a raging sea. (Star Trek: Pendragon: "Restoration", "Exile") Norexan-class starships, like the RIS Bouteina, possessed ready rooms, which were located port of the turbolift leading to the bridge. The ready room was spacious enough to expose all the Federation and Romulan box art of World of Warcraft's first two volumes on its walls. Also, the Bouteina's ready room contained the largest collection of World of Warcrack items in the Romulan Star Empire until these items were transferred to the World of Warcraft Hall of Fame on Rator III. (RIS Bouteina: "Merry Christmas")
- The captain's ready room is the personal office that is reserved for the commanding officer of a starship. On Starfleet vessels it is typically accessed from the bridge. This area serves as a private workspace where the captain or commanding officer can engage in administrative work with all the needed office equipment on hand without interfering with normal bridge operations. In addition this area also provides a relaxed and private space were a commanding officer can go to in order to relax and work while somewhat escaping the pressures of command. In addition, this room also serves as the preferred place where the commanding officer can hold private discussions and/or receive classified communications.