| - The Inheritance Cycle is an amazingly bad fantasy series written by Christopher Paolini. It is noted among PPCers for its urple prose, bad characterization, nonsensical background, obvious theft of other storylines, poor grasp of the laws of physics, and of course, its Gary Stu, Eragon.
| - The Inheritance Cycle is an amazingly bad fantasy series written by Christopher Paolini. It is noted among PPCers for its urple prose, bad characterization, nonsensical background, obvious theft of other storylines, poor grasp of the laws of physics, and of course, its Gary Stu, Eragon. The Inheritance Cycle is also notable for the incredible rate at which it was marketed, the first book having been turned into a movie and a game with alarming speed. And while the books can be tolerated (if barely at times), it is notable that both the movie and the game are absolutely unbearable in their terribleness. In the interests of fairness, however, The Inheritance Cycle is in fact a published work and therefore has a Word World and canon of its own, and technically comes under the jurisdiction of the PPC as a thing to be protected. (Granted, it was only published because his parents owned their own publishing company, but the fact of the matter is that it was still published.) The only problem with this so far has been finding agents willing to go into the damn thing and with the self-discipline not to kill Eragon himself as well as any fan characters, etc. No doubt, however, given the Laws of Narrative Comedy, the amount Eragon has been ranted about means that an agent or agents will sometime soon volunteer for duty in this continuum. It's only a matter of time.