| - Credit to Castle Falkenstein Core Book p84 AKA The Bavarian Illuminati The early “Illuminati” were sorcerous Adepts of fifteenth century Europe, who were linked to the Freemasons and Rosicrucians of the time and dedicated to promoting intellectual enlightenment. The current Order, established in Bayern in 1776, is dedicated to promoting personal mastery of the Art, and to spreading enlightened social and governmental principles. Since the Brotherhood does this by secretly manipulating nations and events, it is no surprise that it has been suppressed throughout its history (until recently even in its home Bayern). Its activities also put it in direct conflict with its mortal enemy, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (which seeks to control the world for its own personal gain). The symbol of the Brotherhood is a large, unblinking eye in the center of a pyramid, which reflects its links to the ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian temples from whence it sprang. Members of the Order are known to each other by the eye-in-pyramid rings each Adeptus wears on the right hand. Ritual garments are long grey robes with the eye symbol, worn only during High Rituals. As a rule, the Brotherhood has no temples or sanctuaries; instead, members meet in private clubs or their homes. The Illuminati also favor education and knowledge, therefore many great Universities have members established in their Libraries or faculties.