Toy Story is a CGI animated film series and Disney media franchise that began with the original 1995 film, Toy Story, produced by Pixar and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The franchise is based on the anthropomorphic concept that all toys, unknown to humans, are secretly alive, and the films focus on a diverse group of toys that feature a classic cowboy, Sheriff Woody, and modern spaceman, Buzz Lightyear. The group unexpectedly embark on adventures that challenge and change them.
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| - Toy Story is a CGI animated film series and Disney media franchise that began with the original 1995 film, Toy Story, produced by Pixar and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The franchise is based on the anthropomorphic concept that all toys, unknown to humans, are secretly alive, and the films focus on a diverse group of toys that feature a classic cowboy, Sheriff Woody, and modern spaceman, Buzz Lightyear. The group unexpectedly embark on adventures that challenge and change them.
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| - * Hawaiian Vacation
* Small Fry
* Partysaurus Rex
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tv specials
| - * Toy Story of Terror!
* Toy Story That Time Forgot
| - * Toy Story
* Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue
* Buzz Lightyear of Star Command
* Toy Story Racer
* Toy Story Mania!
* Toy Story 3: The Video Game''
| - * Buzz Lightyear attractions
* Toy Story Midway Mania!
* Toy Story Playland
* Toy Story: The Musical
| - * Disney on Ice: Toy Story
* Disney on Ice: Toy Story 2
* Disney on Ice: Toy Story 3
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| - * Toy Story
* Toy Story 2
* Toy Story 3
| - * Buzz Lightyear of Star Command
* ''[[#Television
| - * Toy Story
* Toy Story 2
* Toy Story 3
* Toy Story 4
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| - * Buzz Lightyear of Star Command:The Adventure Begins
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| - Toy Story is a CGI animated film series and Disney media franchise that began with the original 1995 film, Toy Story, produced by Pixar and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The franchise is based on the anthropomorphic concept that all toys, unknown to humans, are secretly alive, and the films focus on a diverse group of toys that feature a classic cowboy, Sheriff Woody, and modern spaceman, Buzz Lightyear. The group unexpectedly embark on adventures that challenge and change them. The first two films of the franchise were directed by John Lasseter, and the third by Lee Unkrich, who acted as the co-director of the second film (together with Lasseter and Ash Brannon). Lasseter will return to direct the upcoming fourth film. All three films, produced on a total budget of $320 million, have grossed more than $1.9 billion worldwide. Each film set box office records, with the third included in the top 15 all time worldwide films. Critics have given all three films extremely positive reviews. Special Blu-ray and DVD editions of Toy Story and Toy Story 2 were released on March 23, 2010. They were also re-released in theaters as a Disney Digital 3-D "double feature" for at least two weeks in October 2009. The series is the 23rd highest-grossing franchise worldwide, the fifth highest-grossing animated franchise (behind Shrek, Ice Age, Despicable Me and Madagascar), and is among the most critically acclaimed trilogies of all time. On November 1, 2011, all three Toy Story films were released in Disney Blu-ray 3D as a trilogy pack and as individual films.