| - The' 'Yird is an ancient world inhabited by such races as humans, elves, dwarfs, gods, orcs, goblins, etc. Although there are hundreds of religions and mythologies on the Yird, the most dominantly practiced is that of the Elf-folk who call themselves the Adhvosaha or "the most heavenly and beautiful people". The religion of the Elves is called Ramarthagya in Elvish, Remertheyger in Dwarvish, Rantogha'ar in the human tongue of Mineii, and ael-Ralthaa in Amarethean.
- The Yird is a world found within the Ashvamagajar system of the Tayonii galaxy. This world is home to many species far and wide and of both sentient and primitive states of mind and technology. The technology level gap can be seen by the fact that many of the human nations possess guns and cannons while some of the more primal Elvish tribes still use bows and arrows and swords and the Dwarfish warriors utilization of ancient axes and sickles. There are four main continents on the Yird: Archaea which is home to the Elvish kingdoms of Mana, Angosia, Yanashetra, and Taieios and the culture of the elves is mostly based on Indian and ancient Greek cultures; Midgard is home to the humans and halflings who are based off of ancient Roman, midieval European, and feudal era Japanese culture in the t
| - The Yird is a world found within the Ashvamagajar system of the Tayonii galaxy. This world is home to many species far and wide and of both sentient and primitive states of mind and technology. The technology level gap can be seen by the fact that many of the human nations possess guns and cannons while some of the more primal Elvish tribes still use bows and arrows and swords and the Dwarfish warriors utilization of ancient axes and sickles. There are four main continents on the Yird: Archaea which is home to the Elvish kingdoms of Mana, Angosia, Yanashetra, and Taieios and the culture of the elves is mostly based on Indian and ancient Greek cultures; Midgard is home to the humans and halflings who are based off of ancient Roman, midieval European, and feudal era Japanese culture in the three main kingdoms of Patria, Mineii, and Yamagoku respectively; Dvergheim is home to the dwarves and the dark elves who are based off Norse/Germanic culture and Middle Eastern culture respectively; finally there is the continent of Sanaria which is home to the orcs, goblins, and jotuns who are undead races under the control of Darklord Sanarus who is called Zanward by dwarves and men. Of the continents, Sanaria is the smallest and is close to the north pole of the planet. This continent is covered in glaciers and there are usually blizzards going on incessantly. The largest is by far Midgard which covers almost half of the planet. The next largest is Dvergheim and the second smallest is Archaea which is only the size of India, Pakistan, and Tibet put together and it is right between the Dvergheim and Midgard and directly south of Sanaria. The largest point on the planet is the Divine Fortress of Mount Vita which is located on the apex of the largest mountain in the Northern Mountains, a mountain range on northern Archaea. The lowest is the Valley of Void which is located directly below the mountain and it was filled with trenches and booby traps in order to protect the Fortress which is the home of both of the King of the Fortress himself and the Council of Stone, a group of human, dwarvish, and elvish leaders who work with the king in order to appease the gods and the common people. There are even Seven Wonders of the Yird which are based off of the real-world Seven Wonders of the World somewhat. The largest body of water is Lake Kasivirta which is located in the Empire of Mineii on Midgard.
- The' 'Yird is an ancient world inhabited by such races as humans, elves, dwarfs, gods, orcs, goblins, etc. Although there are hundreds of religions and mythologies on the Yird, the most dominantly practiced is that of the Elf-folk who call themselves the Adhvosaha or "the most heavenly and beautiful people". The religion of the Elves is called Ramarthagya in Elvish, Remertheyger in Dwarvish, Rantogha'ar in the human tongue of Mineii, and ael-Ralthaa in Amarethean.