| - The USAS-12 is a modern Korean-made, fully automatic, gas-operated, fully-ambidextrous 12-gauge shotgun developed during the 1980s by Daewoo Precision Industries. The users of the USAS-12 are not known, but it is speculated to be in service with various southeast-Asian law-enforcement and military units.
- The USAS-12 is an automatic shotgun designed as a combat shotgun manufactured in South Korea during the 1980s. Because of its enlarged box magazine and automatic fire, it is the most powerful shotgun in Madness: Project Nexus. Due to this, the USAS-12 is not purchasable in Arena Mode until the player reaches level 20. It also appears in Incident: 1000A, however with a shorter barrel.
- The USAS-12 is a shotgun in 007: Legends. It has a 12 round magazine.
- The USAS-12 is a shotgun featured in The Last Stand: Dead Zone.
- The USAS-12 is a weapon in Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix. It is an automatic shotgun that fires two shots per click.
- The USAS-12 is a primary weapon in Far Cry 2.
- Unlike other pump-action shotguns available in Far Cry 2, USAS-12 is a full-automatic shotgun. However, its superier fire rate can be a drawback, as beginners who tend to hold the fire button can empty their magazines very quickly. Besides that, it worths 35 diamonds. It can contain more rounds than any other shotguns available in Far Cry 2. Moreover, shooters can use magazines instead of loading each round into the tube, making the user re-engage faster. Although USAS-12 can be bought latter part of the game, one can found this when doing a specific buddy-mission in northern area.
- Die USAS-12 war eine geplante Waffe aus Grand Theft Auto V, die anstatt der Sturm-Schrotflinte vorkommen sollte, aber noch vor der Beta-Version entfernt wurde.
- Die USAS-12 ist eine automatische Schrotflinte in Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Man kann sie in der Mission "Snowbland" auf einer grünen Kiste finden.
- The Daewood Precision Industries USAS-12 is an automatic assault shotgun found in Syphon Filter 2 and Syphon Filter 3, mistakenly referred to as the UAS-12. It is also seen in Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain, Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror and Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow under its actual name. Devastating at close range, it is rare and has very limited ammunition available, but is required to defeat bosses on two distinct occasions.
- The USAS-12 (Universal Sports Automatic Shotgun-12 gauge) is a select-fire shotgun based on the M16 design. The USAS-12 is a shotgun manufactured by Daewoo Precision Industries. Due to its weight with a 20-round detachable drum magazines, the USAS-12 is said to be controllable while in full automatic fire.
- The Daewoo Precision Industries USAS-12 (Universal Sports Automatic Shotgun 12 gauge) is an automatic shotgun designed as a combat shotgun manufactured in South Korea by Daewoo Precision Industries during the 1980s.The USAS-12 is a gas-operated, selective-fire weapon which is designed to provide sustained firepower in close-combat scenarios. It accepts detachable 10-round box magazines or 20-round drum magazines. Both types of magazine are made of polymer, and drum magazines have their rear side made from translucent polymer for quick determination of the number of shot shells left. It has an effective range of 40 m.