| - Jadeite is one of the Shittenou in Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon.
- Jadeite is formed in metamorphic rocks under high pressure and relatively low temperature conditions. Minerals associated with jadeite include:, aragonite and serpentine. Rocks that consist almost entirely of jadeite are called jadeitite. In all well-documented occurrences, jadeitite appears to have formed from subduction zone fluids in association with serpentine. Jadeitite is resistant to weathering, and boulders of jadeitite released from the serpentine-rich environments in which they formed are found in a variety of environments.
- Jadeite is a level 8 trade good.
- Jadeite has very short, closely cropped hair, and is the only member of the Shitennou who can boast this trait. It is colored as a very pale blonde and is parted off to the right-hand side of his head. His eye color is grey. Outside of his disguises, he is typically seen wearing his Shitennou uniform. His accent color is red.
- Jadeite is an that spawns after the completion of road quests during the "day" cycle of the game. It is not surprisingly the color of jade. Jadeite, along with Night Mist, Dayspring, and Vesper are extremely rare random spawns from completing road quests at different times of the day/night cycle.
- Jadeite is a transparent monoclinic mineral and it comes in a variety of colors including green, white, yellow, and brown. Jadeite is formed when there is a high pressure occurrence with a moderately low temperature.
- Jadeite is formed in metamorphic rocks under high pressure and relatively low temperature conditions. Albite (NaAlSi3O8) is a common mineral of the Earth's crust, and it has a specific gravity of about 2.6, much less than that of jadeite. With increasing pressure, albite breaks down to form the high-pressure assemblage of jadeite plus quartz. Minerals associated with jadeite include: glaucophane, lawsonite, muscovite, aragonite, serpentine, and quartz.
- Jadeite (jap. ジェダイト Jedaito) – pierwszy z czterech generałów Królowej Beryl, miał wygląd młodego mężczyzny o blond włosach i niebieskich oczach. Używa swego uroku osobistego i charyzmy, aby zgromadzić energię dla Królestwa Ciemności.