Fuck. Fuck. Fuckety fuckin' fuck. There's a reason why they call it the worst case scenario. Well, two actually. One is because it's one of the scenarios. There's loads of fuckin' scenarios, enough to feed a goddamned orphan for a year. Enough to make you shit your pants and go bat fuck insane. Hell, that's probably one of the scenarios. Anything could happen. A fuckin' rainbow pig could come in and rip out your liver, I dunno. I'm not a goddamned gynecologist, you know. But the point is that there's loads of scenarios, infinate possibility, and this is one of them. Out of fucking all of them, this one is happening to you. And that brings me to my second point. It's the fuckin' worst. The motherfucking worst one out of all of them. That one that's worse than a rainbow pig biting out your l
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| - Fuck. Fuck. Fuckety fuckin' fuck. There's a reason why they call it the worst case scenario. Well, two actually. One is because it's one of the scenarios. There's loads of fuckin' scenarios, enough to feed a goddamned orphan for a year. Enough to make you shit your pants and go bat fuck insane. Hell, that's probably one of the scenarios. Anything could happen. A fuckin' rainbow pig could come in and rip out your liver, I dunno. I'm not a goddamned gynecologist, you know. But the point is that there's loads of scenarios, infinate possibility, and this is one of them. Out of fucking all of them, this one is happening to you. And that brings me to my second point. It's the fuckin' worst. The motherfucking worst one out of all of them. That one that's worse than a rainbow pig biting out your l
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| - Fuck. Fuck. Fuckety fuckin' fuck. There's a reason why they call it the worst case scenario. Well, two actually. One is because it's one of the scenarios. There's loads of fuckin' scenarios, enough to feed a goddamned orphan for a year. Enough to make you shit your pants and go bat fuck insane. Hell, that's probably one of the scenarios. Anything could happen. A fuckin' rainbow pig could come in and rip out your liver, I dunno. I'm not a goddamned gynecologist, you know. But the point is that there's loads of scenarios, infinate possibility, and this is one of them. Out of fucking all of them, this one is happening to you. And that brings me to my second point. It's the fuckin' worst. The motherfucking worst one out of all of them. That one that's worse than a rainbow pig biting out your liver. Yeah, that one.