(Needs an update!) High Councilor - Lady Elle Menson
* Raya Lyonall - Councilor of Defense
* Vacant - Councilor of Trade
* Elle - Councilor of the Interior
* Wylin Maidenshealer - Councilor of Health
* Reln Chord - Councilor of Morale
* Vacant - councilor of Religion
* Cerin Te'les - Ambassador of the Cormanthor
* Dawn Darkmoon - Ambassador of Moonkiss and Maiden's Loss
* Vacant - Voice Herald of Elventree
* Jorgen Berginblade - Ambassador of Hillsfar
* Vacant- Ambassador of Zhentil Keep
* Vacant - Ambassador of Glarin's March
(Needs an update!) High Councilor - Lady Elle Menson
* Raya Lyonall - Councilor of Defense
* Vacant - Councilor of Trade
* Elle - Councilor of the Interior
* Wylin Maidenshealer - Councilor of Health
* Reln Chord - Councilor of Morale
* Vacant - councilor of Religion
* Cerin Te'les - Ambassador of the Cormanthor
* Dawn Darkmoon - Ambassador of Moonkiss and Maiden's Loss
* Vacant - Voice Herald of Elventree
* Jorgen Berginblade - Ambassador of Hillsfar
* Vacant- Ambassador of Zhentil Keep
* Vacant - Ambassador of Glarin's March All citizens having issues or troubles that concern the council or the run of the city are called to address them to the appropriate member of the council or any member of the court to be discussed over the next session of the council for the prosperity and the well being of our city.