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- Statistically, Spritz has 361 HP, 27 PP, 140 Attack, 32 Defense, 84 Agility, and 10 Luck. Like all other Mercury Djinn that are fought, in terms of resistance, it has a Mercury Resistance rating of 193, Venus and Jupiter Resistance ratings of 100 each, and a Mars Resistance rating of 25, and in regards to its abilities it uses its available Mercury-based attacks with a Mercury power rating of 125. Spritz can use the following battle commands:
- Sembra che le origini dello Spritz siano da far risalire all'antica Grecia, quando Pollon gli conferì il nome di Grand Soleil, il nettare degli dei. Successivamente, lo Spritz si diffuse a macchia d'olio in tutta Europa, Africa, Alberta, Québec, Jacuzia e si narra che chiunque ne possedesse più di 9999999 ettolitri, guadagnasse quattro carriarmatini a turno. Solo a partire dal V secolo a.C. (avanti cazzate), lo Spritz è stato dichiarato illegale a causa dei suoi effetti stupefacenti, al pari della Cannabis, delle droghe sintetiche, dei Teletubbies e di Mr. Lui.
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- Statistically, Spritz has 361 HP, 27 PP, 140 Attack, 32 Defense, 84 Agility, and 10 Luck. Like all other Mercury Djinn that are fought, in terms of resistance, it has a Mercury Resistance rating of 193, Venus and Jupiter Resistance ratings of 100 each, and a Mars Resistance rating of 25, and in regards to its abilities it uses its available Mercury-based attacks with a Mercury power rating of 125. Spritz can use the following battle commands:
* Tundra: Used 53 out of 256 times, this is a Psynergy spell that causes a moderate amount of ice shards to drop onto the party, dealing a Mercury-based attack with a power rating of 45 and a range of 3. This ability consumes 8 of its user's PP.
* Drench: Used 47 out of 256 times, this is a Psynergy spell that causes a moderately long array of watery spheres to drop out of the sky and onto the targeted Adepts, dealing a Mercury-based attack with a power rating of 60 and a range of 3. This ability consumes 10 of its user's PP.
* Froth Sphere: Used 41 out of 256 times, this is a Psynergy spell that projects a moderately large array of watery spheres that arc into the party, dealing a Mercury-based attack with a power rating of 65 and a range of 5. This ability consumes 12 of its user's PP.
* Ice Horn: Used 35 out of 256 times, this is a Psynergy spell that causes a moderately thick mass of ice spikes to shoot down onto the Adepts from the sky, dealing a Mercury-based attack with a power rating of 70 and a range of 3. This ability consumes 11 of its user's PP.
* Hail Prism: Used 29 out of 256 times, this is a Psynergy spell that causes four large pieces of ice to drop from the sky and slam and shatter into the party, dealing a Mercury-based attack with a power rating of 90 and a range of 7. This ability consumes 16 of its user's PP.
* Attack: Used 28 out of 256 times, this is this monster's standard physical attack, but for this monster it is counted as a Mercury-based attack rather than a non-elemental attack.
* Flee: Used 23 out of 256 times, this enemy has the ability to attempt to Flee the battle, thereby ending the battle if successful without rewarding you with the associated EXP, Coins, and the Djinni itself, and the Mercury Djinni disappears from its field spot. If this happens to you, however, it takes some effort to leave the room and get all the way back to where Spritz would reappear, so you should save your game before engaging Spritz. When defeated, Spritz yields 190 EXP and 226 Coins, and the Spritz Djinni is added to your party's Djinn collection. If you fell it with an offensive Mars Djinni like Fever, its rewards increase to 247 EXP and 293 Coins. Ideally, all of your Adepts can have 3 each of all four Djinni elements, so if you have the Mars Djinni Forge, Fever, and Corona, you can summon Tiamat to deal over 200 damage in one hit, and have other Adepts' three-djinn summons finish it off in a turn. After you defeat Spritz, you can rather ironically use it to restore damage it may have caused you.
- Sembra che le origini dello Spritz siano da far risalire all'antica Grecia, quando Pollon gli conferì il nome di Grand Soleil, il nettare degli dei. Successivamente, lo Spritz si diffuse a macchia d'olio in tutta Europa, Africa, Alberta, Québec, Jacuzia e si narra che chiunque ne possedesse più di 9999999 ettolitri, guadagnasse quattro carriarmatini a turno. Solo a partire dal V secolo a.C. (avanti cazzate), lo Spritz è stato dichiarato illegale a causa dei suoi effetti stupefacenti, al pari della Cannabis, delle droghe sintetiche, dei Teletubbies e di Mr. Lui. Tuttavia questo non ha fermato la circolazione clandestina della bevanda e si narra che tracce di Spritz siano state ritrovate in un calice di Giulio Cesare, nel vaso da notte di Maria Antonietta, sul tailleur di Monica Lewinsky e nel cervello di Silvio Berlusconi. E' attualmente la bevanda ufficiale del Veneto e degli universitari patavini. Ogni festa viene adeguatamente bagnata da fiumi di spritz: ovviamente, ogni giorno è buono per far festa!