奇跡は起きるものではない、起こすものだ。Miracles do not occur. They are made to be.
天を満たす神秘という名の奇跡、それをコントロールする者がミルザムなり。Miracles that are called the Mysteries that fill the heavens. Their controller is none other than Milzam.
奇跡を起こらないから奇跡。そんな戯言を誰もが信じていた。ミルザムのことを知るまでは。 Miracles are miracles because they do not occur. Everyone believed in a joke like that. Until they knew of the presence of Milzam.
The two spirits closest to reaching the Seat of God, in other words the strongest of all spirits, are Syrius and Milzam. 神の座に最も近き、最強と謳われし、2体の精霊。それがシリウスとミルザム。
file:Blockericon.jpg Blocker
■ Ultra Shield Plus—When you put this creature into the battle zone, you may put up to 5 cards from the top of your deck under one of your shields.