| - === One week after the events of The Terran Empire… === Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, and their friends were all taking it easy in the comfort of the fact that their parallel universe counterparts were turning away from their aggression towards others and instead trying to stop their own Terran Empire. Since then, Phineas and Isabella had gone on an official date and he and Ferb had continued their days of inventing the impossible. Still, Phineas couldn't help but wonder how, in another universe, his own self was doing in battle. His question was soon to be answered when he received a call one morning from his cross-dimensional communicator. It was from Alternate Phineas. He informed Phineas of constant defeat and retreat because of the intensity of the opposition. He had been able to ally hims
| - === One week after the events of The Terran Empire… === Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, and their friends were all taking it easy in the comfort of the fact that their parallel universe counterparts were turning away from their aggression towards others and instead trying to stop their own Terran Empire. Since then, Phineas and Isabella had gone on an official date and he and Ferb had continued their days of inventing the impossible. Still, Phineas couldn't help but wonder how, in another universe, his own self was doing in battle. His question was soon to be answered when he received a call one morning from his cross-dimensional communicator. It was from Alternate Phineas. He informed Phineas of constant defeat and retreat because of the intensity of the opposition. He had been able to ally himself with a few underground resistance movements, but was unable to stop the administration of the Terran Empire as a whole. Phineas sounded the alarm for his friends, who all gathered in the Flynn-Fletcher backyard. "Alright, guys, here's the problem" Phineas said once in the sanctum. "You guys remember our counterparts from the Terran Empire, right? Well…they've been failing in their rebellion, so…yea…they need our help again." "Alright! Buford loves this! Time to kick some butt!" said Buford enthusiastically. "You would, Buford. You would" said Baljeet and Irving simultaneously. "Alright…that aside, we'll need the USS Phineas and Meap's help. We'll need to launch this attack from above, where it is harder to defend oneself from attack. We'll have to at first bomb whatever palace or central location this universe's Doofenshmirtz is at." "Alright! Demolition time for Buford!" "You would" said Irving and Baljeet simultaneously again, prompting a wedgie for both of them from Buford. "Alright, crew, we'll have to board our trusty USS Phineas again, so get your uniforms and meet back here in a half hour!" All went home and changed, coming back ready for duty in their color-coded uniforms. Phineas wore a changed captain's uniform that was more of a pale green, closed to the side, and had the badge at his midriff [A/N: the Season 3 Star Trek captain's uniform variant]. The Phineas had been orbiting in dry-dock for a week, almost untouched in matters of repair or maintenance, but was still in good condition thanks to a few Phinedroids and Ferbbots. The shuttlecraft came down into the Flynn-Fletcher backyard and picked up the crew a few per shuttle. Phineas, as usual, took the Captain's Yacht with Isabella. The shuttlecraft all took a minute or two to finally breach the atmosphere and immerse the crews in the blackness of space, lighted mostly by the distant sun. They all circled the Earth for a minute, eventually coming up to the dry-dock where their ship floated. The shuttles all landed in the shuttle bay and released their crews to the inside of the starship itself. The bridge crew went to the bridge while Baljeet and the Fireside Girls stayed in engineering. "Communications established, Captain" said Isabella. "Weapons…exhausted entirely, Captain" said Buford sheepishly. "That's right! We forgot to reload after the battle last week! Engineering, how are we doing?" asked Phineas. "We've got some repairs to make, but we can do them en route!" said Baljeet. "Beam up our weapons supplies from our backyard once we get within transporter range of home!" said Phineas. "Aye, sir!" "Irving, how are we on sensors and all that other stuff?" "All scanning equipment in order, Captain" said Irving. "Number One, take us out." "Aye, sir" said Ferb. After all moorings were retracted, the Phineas came to life again, slowly drifting out of dry-dock and entering more-open space to begin a short orbit. The engineering crew took a few minutes to beam up all weapons supplies, but it was done efficiently and all weapons were accounted for and placed in proper storage. "All weapons accounted for, sir! Phaser power up at maximum as well, sir!" said Baljeet enthusiastically. "Helm, take us to the coordinates of Meap's fleet." "Aye, sir" said Ferb. After the usual deep and low humming, streaks of light enveloped the ship as it shot off into warp speed. "Warp 2. Warp 4. Warp 6. Warp 7. Warp 8. Maximum warp achieved, sir." "Thank you, Number One."