| - Joseph Ducreux (? 1735 - 24 July, 1802) was a painter, philosopher, and an accomplished cook. He was also one of the most infamous court painters of the French Nation during the 18th Century. He is best remembered as a jolly self-righteous individual with a particular lust for women and an ample supply of money. In today's vernacular, this is best defined simply as a pimp. Joseph left the world many masterpiece paintings, but his two most famous are perhaps his portrait of Marie Antoinette and his self portrait in which he openly mocks the viewer by making fun of said viewer whilst flaunting his wealth. In today's vernacular, this is known as being really really cool. In his lifetime, Joseph earned many prestigious awards from a variety of organizations, but perhaps he is best known for sw
| - Joseph Ducreux (? 1735 - 24 July, 1802) was a painter, philosopher, and an accomplished cook. He was also one of the most infamous court painters of the French Nation during the 18th Century. He is best remembered as a jolly self-righteous individual with a particular lust for women and an ample supply of money. In today's vernacular, this is best defined simply as a pimp. Joseph left the world many masterpiece paintings, but his two most famous are perhaps his portrait of Marie Antoinette and his self portrait in which he openly mocks the viewer by making fun of said viewer whilst flaunting his wealth. In today's vernacular, this is known as being really really cool. In his lifetime, Joseph earned many prestigious awards from a variety of organizations, but perhaps he is best known for sweeping the 46th bi-annual Artist's Guild Awards by winning 5 of the coveted Artsy trophies in 1788. What is even more famous was his intoxicated acceptance speech, in which he proceeded to craft an original joke about every female member of the audience. Most of these jokes simply had to do with the sexual relations Joseph had had with these women, but for the ugly ones he simply told knock knock jokes. Ducreux is often referred to as the world's first talented celebrity. Much like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in that one film. He had all the necessary traits and performed all the necessary actions. He had immense artistic talent, squandered that talent, chased multiple women, became excessively wealthy, pimped multiple women across Europe (although this is no longer required for celebrity status), and died a horrible and violent death went out on top.