| - {You start trying to cover your own ass after speaking out against your bloodthirsty leader. / Irritated} That is... I-I like Tektus just fine. But I... I think you should go.
- {Irritated. The person you're talking to got you to admit your disdain for Tektus. You're reassuring yourself you're all right. / Irritated} Better not hear any rumors flying around. I didn't do anything wrong.
- {The person you're talking to saved your life. / Friendly} Glory to Atom.
- {Trying to keep from drawing too much attention to yourself. / Grateful} Oh Atom above, thank you. Thank you. Just, when you report back, tell him I'm loyal, all right? Please.
- {Irritated. The person you're talking to got you to admit your disdain for Tektus. / Irritated} You should get out of here.
- {Stern} You again. This still isn't the crypt. And I shouldn't need to remind you our policy on touching things.
- {Thanking someone who saved your life. / Impressed} How you convinced Tektus, I'll never know.
- {Trying to keep from drawing too much attention to yourself. / Afraid} Sure, sure. Whatever you want. But please, don't do anything rash, all right?
- {Initially talking like you're talking to an idiot, but you get more fervent as you go. This is personal for you. / Stern} You've been out there, right? This place... it's dangerous. Take a wrong turn in the Fog? Sorry, brother. Lost to the family.
- {Trying to keep from drawing too much attention to yourself. / Afraid} Shit, you're right. Shit. Just, give me a little time before you say anything, all right? Please?
- {Angry at yourself for penning a note that could've gotten you killed. / Stern} Can't believe I'd do something so stupid.
- {You're cooling down as you speak. You really like this sub. / Irritated} Never launched anything, if that's what you're asking. Never even made it out of the bay during the Great Division.
- {Then pleading for your life . / Pleading} You haven't done it yet, have you? Just please let me have the note and I swear, we don't ever have to discuss this again. Our little secret. Please?
- {Irritated. Someone's bothering you while you're in the middle of something. / Stern} Atom above, will you leave me alone.
- {Threatening someone in the heart of combat. / Angry} An affront to Atom!
- {Someone seems like they're trying to catch you saying something bad about the High Confessor. You're a little nervous. / Nervous} I-I've got no problem with Tektus. Fine leader. Now, suppose, I should get back to it.
- {Trying to keep someone from leaving but without drawing too much attention to yourself. / Afraid} Wait, wait, wait. Please, please don't go.
- {Stern} If you're looking for the crypt, you took a wrong turn. My job to take care of this place. You touch anything, I'm taking the limb, understand?
- {You're intially surprised to hear someone bring up your old lover. / Surprised} Edgar?
- {Threatening someone in the heart of combat. / Angry} You will never halt Division!
- {Initially talking like you're talking to an idiot, but you get more fervent as you go. This gets very personal for you. / Stern} You've been out there, right? This place... it's dangerous. Take a wrong turn in the Fog? Sorry, brother. Lost to the family.
- {There's an alarm sounding in the sub bay. / Neutral} What is that?
- {Stern} You get in the way of that, you'll have to answer to Atom. But first, you'll have to answer to me. Atom'll get what's left.
- {Keeping your voice down to make sure no one overhears. Trying to subtly remind someone to keep a secret that could get you in trouble. / Pleading} Just... our little secret.
- {Irritated} Launch key's missing. System can't be hacked. Trust me. We've tried.
- {Largely to yourself. You're frustrated about having possibly exposed yourself as disliking the High Confessor. / Concerned} Anyone hears about this, I'll be branded for life.
- {Entering combat. / Angry} Face His wrath!
- {Entering combat. / Angry} Heretic! Heretic!
- {Entering combat. / Angry} Purge!
- {Grateful} Atom above, you're a good one.
- {Initially puzzled. / Puzzled} My note?
- {Stern} Good.
- {You've just been killed. / InPain} Urgh...
- {Threatening someone in the heart of combat. / Angry} Ash! Ash and glow!
- {Very grateful. / Grateful} Atom above, you're a good one.
- {Conspiratorial} Don't know what you told Tektus, but I'm still here, so it must've been good.
- {Then pleading for your life . / Afraid} We can pretend this never happened. Please.
- {Irritated. Someone's bothering you while you're in the middle of something. / Stern} You mind?
- {To yourself. / Neutral} Have to get away from here. Far away.
- {Trying to keep from drawing too much attention to yourself. / Afraid} Yeah. Here. Everything I've got. So, you'll keep this secret? Let me have my note?
- {As you list examples, you're getting yourself more worked up. The last line is personal, but you're calming yourself down a bit. / Irritated} Wander too close to the wrong settlement. Lost to the family. Good people... taken away. Not fair.
- {You're absent-mindly ranting about something you've said in your head many times that could get you in deep trouble. Then you catch yourself. / Stern} Who wouldn't? Man's a damned--
- {Someone just stopped speaking to you in the middle of a conversation. Mostly to yourself. / Irritated} Don't have time for this...
- {Someone just stopped speaking to you in the middle of a conversation. Mostly to yourself. / Irritated} You trying to make me mad?
- {Stern} The vessel. Yes. One of the most powerful sources of Glow on an island full of it. My job to make sure it's looked after.
- {Stern} Not here to give tours. Here to make sure this place keeps running. So, please make it quick.
- {To yourself. You're frustrated about having possibly exposed yourself as disliking the High Confessor. / Concerned} No, no. I don't want anything to do with you.
- {Grateful} Word is you talked to the High Confessor for me... thanks. Here. You should have this.
- {Irritated. The person you're talking to got you to admit your disdain for Tektus. You're reassuring yourself you're all right. / Irritated} Nothing more to say to you.
- {Irritated} Not saying anything else to you on the subject. Tektus is a superb Confessor. The best. But I think you should go.
- {As you list examples, you're getting yourself more worked up. The last line you should be a bit angry. You believe you lost someone to Tektus' work. / Irritated} Wander too close to the wrong settlement. Lost to the family. Atom help you, you look at Tektus the wrong way.
- {This is you at your least angry. You love this sub and like talking about it. / Neutral} All the better. Preserved it for us.
- {But you hide your feelings pretty quickly afterwards. / Stern} N-not my job to answer rumors. My job to preserve the vessel. So, if you don't mind.
- {You're frustrated about having possibly exposed yourself as disliking the High Confessor. / Concerned} Wish I'd never written that damn thing.
- {You don't actually believe this. But it's what / Neutral} Can't thank you enough.
- {Then pleading for your life . / Afraid} My note. L-listen. I-I was mad. High Confessor's a good man. I wouldn't... please, please just let me have it back and I'll get rid of it.
- {Begrudgingly grateful. This person might be about to rat on you, but has given you the chance to run. / Neutral} Thank you... for the warning.
- {Irritated. Someone's bothering you while you're in the middle of something. / Stern} Other things I should be attending to.
- {To yourself, creating a list in your head of things you'll need out in the wilderness. / Neutral} Ammo, blankets, fire, water, food... damn, a lot to find.
- {Irritated. The person you're talking to got you to admit your disdain for Tektus. You're reassuring yourself you're all right. / Irritated} Stringing me along with stupid questions...
- {To yourself. You're frustrated about having possibly exposed yourself as disliking the High Confessor. / Concerned} Edgar... you'd tell me what to do...
- {You're about to get nuked. You're scared and excited. / Awed} Time! It's finally time!
- {Like you're talking to an idiot. / Irritated} Atom's Great Division? Two hundred years ago, thousands, millions, across the world, reborn in an instant. Given over to Atom.
- {Someone just stopped speaking to you in the middle of a conversation. / Irritated} Hey. Hey. Snap out of it.
- {Like you're talking to an idiot. Last line, you're working yourself up a bit. You have a personal beef about people not getting into the crypt. / Stern} Keeps our fallen brethren near His Glow, near their family. Only spot a child should spend eternity. A true honor... denied to too many.
- {A little amused by your own joke here. / Neutral} These days, we take the scenic route. Extended exposure to the Glow. Long Division... heh.
- {You're trying to cover your ass after you let slip you think he's an idiot. / Irritated} Tektus is a damn fine confessor. Best we've had.