The Preppies (or Preps) are one of the five school cliques at Bullworth Academy.
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| - The Preppies (or Preps) are one of the five school cliques at Bullworth Academy.
- The Preppies are one of the six school gangs at the Dixmor Academy.
- O líder da facção é Derby Harrington. Ricos, esnobes e metidos, os Preppies tem tudo o que o dinheiro pode comprar. Não se misturam no dormitório, mas sim na Harrington House, uma casa dentro da escola que o bisavô de Derby mandou construir. Rejeitam qualquer um que não tiver dinheiro o suficiente para se Seu grande inimigo são os Greasers. É provável que a segunda facção inimiga dos Mauricinhos/Preppies, seja a facção Townies/Dropouts (Townies/Baderneiros).
- The Preppies are one of the five school cliques. They are led by Derby Harrington, and their second in command is Bif Taylor. They're the richest clique on campus, and are third on the pecking order on campus, behind the Greasers and Jocks, and ahead of the Nerds and Bullies. They can be spotted by their Aquaberry clothing. They have a rivalry with the Greasers and they consider that most, if not all, students are below them. Many of the Preppies enjoy boxing, and consider it a noble sport.
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Second in command
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2nd in Command
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| - O líder da facção é Derby Harrington. Ricos, esnobes e metidos, os Preppies tem tudo o que o dinheiro pode comprar. Não se misturam no dormitório, mas sim na Harrington House, uma casa dentro da escola que o bisavô de Derby mandou construir. Rejeitam qualquer um que não tiver dinheiro o suficiente para se considerar um Preppie. Apesar de serem ricos, não tem medo de suar a camisa. São muito bons na arte de socar e não tem dó de quem mexe com eles. Vestem os mais finos uniformes da loja Aquaberry, uma loja para gente rica. Eles também adoram lutar no Ginásio de Boxe. Todos os Preppies são ricos e, com exceção de Tad, a maioria deles é de Old Money. Eles também são esnobes e possuem uma rivalidade com os Greasers. Seu grande inimigo são os Greasers. É provável que a segunda facção inimiga dos Mauricinhos/Preppies, seja a facção Townies/Dropouts (Townies/Baderneiros).
- The Preppies (or Preps) are one of the five school cliques at Bullworth Academy.
- The Preppies are one of the five school cliques. They are led by Derby Harrington, and their second in command is Bif Taylor. They're the richest clique on campus, and are third on the pecking order on campus, behind the Greasers and Jocks, and ahead of the Nerds and Bullies. They can be spotted by their Aquaberry clothing. They have a rivalry with the Greasers and they consider that most, if not all, students are below them. Many of the Preppies enjoy boxing, and consider it a noble sport. A common theme in many of the Preppies' families seems to be inbreeding. For example, Derby and Pinky are cousins, who are betrothed. Also, prep member Tad Spencer has webbed toes on one foot as a result of inbreeding. The Preppies are third on the school hierarchy, above the Nerds and Bullies, but below the Greasers and Jocks.
- The Preppies are one of the six school gangs at the Dixmor Academy.
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