| - This item is available exclusively when purchasing Marketplace items through the 'Pick You Own Bundle' deal, but it comes at a steep price.
- The suit enhances and channels the psionic powers of the wearer. Psionic blades may manifest through bracers worn on the forearms. At the end of a power suit's construction, psionically calibrated crystal matrices are set on the armor's surface. High templar calibrate and infuse each one of these precious gemstones. These matrices serve as teleportation devices, and when a protoss wearing one of these suits nears death, they disappear in a flash of bright light as the user seemingly disappears to a place of safety. These mechanisms can also be activated manually.
- The Power Suit is the armour that encases Samus in the Metroid Series. It has many different features that allow Samus to fight and use missiles. An item that only appears when Samus uses her Final Smash. It falls into pieces you can throw.
- The user possesses and utilizes a special suit, costume, or article of clothing that grants them superhuman powers, this suit can either be a technological or mystical suit of armor, symbiotic creature, or simple street clothing
- Kategorie:Stub[[Datei:Power_Suit_concept_art.jpg|thumb|right|Power Suit in Metroid Prime]] Der Power Suit ist der Standard Anzug von Samus Aran und wurde von den Chozo erschaffen. Einer der Hauptwissenschaftler war Oryn, der für seine Arbeit mit einer Statue in der Himmelsstadt geehrt wurde. Der Anzug ermöglicht Samus zwar das Überleben in z.B. sauerstoffarmer Atmosphäre, doch in jeder Gefahrenzone nur ein wenig, weshalb eine der Hauptaufgabe der Metroidspiele darin besteht, Erweiterungen einzusammeln, die dem Anzug zum Beispiel einen höheren Hitze- oder Säureschutz verleihen.
- The Power Suit is a Powered armor utilized by the United Citizen Federation during the Second Bug War. A Power Suit consists two parts: the Inner Body Suit and the Powered Suit.
- The Power Suit is a suit upgrade available in Lego Batman 2 DC Super Heroes. It can only be worn by Batman.
- The Power Suit is Samus Aran's standard battle armor, it basically has no upgrades and is the suit you start out with in just about all of the games (except for Metroid Prime, in which you begin the first level with what appears to be the Varia Suit, which is also the version Samus wears in the Super Smash Bros. series). This Metroid related article is a stub. Please help by expanding it.
- The Chozo Power Suit is a suit of powered armor designed by the Chozo. This term applies to two things: Samus's basic suit without any upgrades, and her suit as a whole regardless of it's current upgrade level. A Chozo known as Dryn was apparently instrumental in the development of the technology, and Mother Brain claims to be its creator.
- The Power Suit is "The Most Advanced Piece Of exploration equipment Ever Made" and provides the basics for survival in most environments. The planet you have landed on is quite cold and the suit has fair heating facilities, using 1.1 power a second to maintain ~20C inside. The suit was designed to be highly reconfigurable to match any environment known in the galaxy. Unfortunately the suit was only provided with the most basic of equipment. While exploring the planet you will encounter environments that you cant survive until you make the appropriate upgrades.
- While active, the Power Suit bonds with Samus biologically, and cannot be taken off without her cooperation. It has been observed on many occasions that the methods which Samus uses to remove the Power Suit is to have it dematerialize with a bright flash. When the suit is inactive, Samus is able to retain the upgrades within herself until it becomes active again (observed in the events of Metroid: Zero Mission.) But it has also been observed that she can have it materialize at will, (seen several times taking place in the origins manga, once at the beginning of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and at the start of Metroid: Other M) suggesting that this suit is not meant to be dismantled to be removed like regular armor, and that it is somehow put on or taken off by using an energy-to-matter reac