Attributes | Values |
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| - 北方への輸送護衛でしょ、哨戒でしょ、海峡の警備でしょ…ふぁ、やることいっぱいあって大変! 司令、私ちょっと仕事多すぎない?! え、これは? ご褒美? 私に?! …そ、そう…へ?
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Returning From Sortie
| - 艦隊、戻ったわ。……まぁ、みんな無事で、良かった…かな?
Major Damage/En
| - Aaarrrgh! Ugh, urgh! But I have no intention of sinking yet!
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Battle Start
| - 敵か。やるしかない……! みんな! いーい、やるよっ!
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Looking At Scores
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| - Eh, no way... this got to be a lie right? In a... place... like this... Kamikaze-san...
Night Attack/En
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Secretary 1/En
| - What, did you call? Humph!
Starting A Sortie/En
| - Kuril District Base Flagship, Kunashiri! Sortieing! Follow me everyone!
| - The second of Shimushu-class, Kunashiri. What's that? That's wrong. Right, you can call me Kuna.
Minor Damage 1/En
| - Aaaaah! Bullet hit?! Collision?!
Secretary 2/En
| - Huh? You mistook me for Shimushu? What, how could you!? I'm going home.
Looking At Scores/En
| - What's that? You wanted to see information? Guess it can't be helped.
Docking Major
| - 神風さんに見せられない……。早く、ちゃんとしなきゃ……。
Minor Damage
| - ええ、この衝撃…なに? 座礁じゃ、ないよね?
- ああぁぁぁっ!! 被弾?! 衝突?!
Night Battle/En
| - It's night time... Night battle... I might not have torpedoes but I'll still try!
Secretary Married/En
| - Commander. Are you heading out today? No, that's not it. I really wanted to tell you to be careful of rainy and foggy days. Otherwise you'll be careless. Eh, me? I'll be fine! What's with that!
Night Attack
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Night Battle
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Equipment 1/En
| - Shi... Shimushu did? Shimushu... is Shimushu
| - あ、子日…さん?ああ!いいのいいの!違うしそうじゃなくってね?…なんて言えばいいのかなぁ…うん!そう!それ!そうゆうことなんです!よかったぁ、わかってくれてて!うん!頑張ろう!
| - Thanks. I will take this, what?
Joining A Fleet/En
| - Ready? Coastal defense ship Kunashiri, setting sail! Let's move out.
Minor Damage 2/En
| - Eh, what's this impact? No way, I'm not running aground, right?
Starting A Sortie
| - 千島方面根拠地隊、旗艦「国後」! 出撃します! みんな、付いて来て!
Equipment 3/En
| - How could you. Oh, I see.
| - Well, this is about right, right? My sister is my sister and I am me. When it comes down to it, I can do it too! ...are you listening, Hachi? Listen to me!
Secretary Married
| - 司令。なに、今日外出するの? や、違うしなにそれ。そうじゃなくて、雨とか霧とかの日は気をつけてよね。そうじゃなくてもそそっかしいんだから! え、私? 私は大丈夫だし! なによっ!!
Joining A Fleet
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Docking Minor/En
| - Eh, this sort of... Don't keep staring so much!
| - Ah, Nenohi-san? Ah, it's fine, it's fine. No, that's not it. What did I want to say... Yes, you're right, that's it! That was it. It's good that you understand. Yup, do your best!
| - えっ、うそ、うそだよね、そんな、この、ここで…神風さん
Secretary 3/En
| - Just what is that? Do you think that's fun? Humph! I think things like greetings are important! I don't mean that materialistically.
| - I am Kunashiri, the second ship of Shimushu-class Coastal Defense Ship. You can leave the defense of the north to me. What? That's simple you said? How could you! Before _that_ sortie, I played an important role, like patrolling Hitokappu Bay. Using Ominato as a starting point, I protected important places like Chishima Islands, Soya Strait, Tsugaru Straight and others. Hey, are you listening? In the end I worked very hard in a very, very important job. I inconvenienced Kamikaze a little, but I worked hard.
Major Damage
| - きゃあぁぁ! も、もうっ! でも、あたし、沈むつもり、ないからっ!
Battle Start/En
| - Enemy? We've got to do this...! Everyone! Ready, let's do this!
Equipment 2/En
| - Well, Well I think it's good.
| - A transport mission to the north? An evacuation? Guarding the straits? *sigh* Having so many things to do is troublesome! Commander, aren't you giving me too much work? Eh, what's this? A reward? For me? Is... that so... Eh?
| - 占守型海防艦二番艦、国後よ。 北方の守りは任せてよね。 え、地味だろって。 何それ! あの出撃の前の単冠湾の哨戒とか、大事な役割も務めたんだから。 大湊を起点に、千島列島や宗谷海峡、津軽海峡など大切な所を守ったの。 ねえ、聞いてる?最後は大切な大切なこと、頑張ったし。 ちょっと神風さんに迷惑かけちゃったけど。 頑張ったよね、あたし!
Docking Minor
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Returning From Sortie/En
| - The fleet has returned. Well, isn't it good that everyone is fine?
Docking Major/En
| - I can't let Kamikaze-san see this... I'll need to hurry up and be proper...
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| - だから何それ。 面白いと思ってるの? ふん! 私、挨拶とか、そういうの大切だと思ってるから! 別に形とかそういうのじゃなくって。
- え、占守と間違えた? はぁ? 何それ、帰る。
- 何? 呼んだ? ふん!
| - "Hachi" probably refers to "Hachijyou", the 4th Shimushu-class ship
| - まっ、そんな感じじゃないの? 姉さんは姉さん、あたしはあたしなんだから。やるときはあたしだってやるの! ……ハチ、聞いてる? 聞きなさいよっ!
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| - あ、姉が? 姉は姉よ
- ま、まぁ良いんじゃない?
- 何それ。 おぉ、そうなの
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| - 何それ? 違うけど? そうね、クナって…
- 占守型海防艦、その二番艦、国後。
- 呼んでもらってもいいけど。
| - In 1946, while on a return repatriation voyage and en-route to Uraga, Kunashiri ran aground near Cape Omaezaki, Shizuoka when her crew mistook a fishing vessel's lights for the Omaezaki lighthouse. While attempting to rescue passengers and crew off of the stranded Kunashiri, Kamikaze also ran aground. Both were abandoned, after the passengers and crew were transferred over to another ship.
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