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Played By: Maya Kumashiro * Arranged Marriage - Triggered her trip into Paradise, and Kiriko spent much of the time afterwards figuring out how to get out of and avoid one for good. * Black Magician Girl * Brainy Brunette - Although her hair is actually more Shiny Midnight Black. * Cunning Like a Fox * Defrosting Ice Queen - Partially subverted. Despite warming up, Kiriko never actually stops being a bitch. * Emotionally Tongue-Tied - Kiriko has several how does i feelingz moments, with Kozue and Reizo in particular. * Hair Decorations - Hers changes in almost every official image. * Family Versus Career - Kiriko fights tooth and nail for option two. * Fashion Victim Villain - What's wrong with pink cheetah print? * Heterosexual Life Partners - With Ko

  • Disappeared/Characters
  • Played By: Maya Kumashiro * Arranged Marriage - Triggered her trip into Paradise, and Kiriko spent much of the time afterwards figuring out how to get out of and avoid one for good. * Black Magician Girl * Brainy Brunette - Although her hair is actually more Shiny Midnight Black. * Cunning Like a Fox * Defrosting Ice Queen - Partially subverted. Despite warming up, Kiriko never actually stops being a bitch. * Emotionally Tongue-Tied - Kiriko has several how does i feelingz moments, with Kozue and Reizo in particular. * Hair Decorations - Hers changes in almost every official image. * Family Versus Career - Kiriko fights tooth and nail for option two. * Fashion Victim Villain - What's wrong with pink cheetah print? * Heterosexual Life Partners - With Ko
  • Played By: Maya Kumashiro * Arranged Marriage - Triggered her trip into Paradise, and Kiriko spent much of the time afterwards figuring out how to get out of and avoid one for good. * Black Magician Girl * Brainy Brunette - Although her hair is actually more Shiny Midnight Black. * Cunning Like a Fox * Defrosting Ice Queen - Partially subverted. Despite warming up, Kiriko never actually stops being a bitch. * Emotionally Tongue-Tied - Kiriko has several how does i feelingz moments, with Kozue and Reizo in particular. * Hair Decorations - Hers changes in almost every official image. * Family Versus Career - Kiriko fights tooth and nail for option two. * Fashion Victim Villain - What's wrong with pink cheetah print? * Heterosexual Life Partners - With Kozue. Probably. * High School Hustler * Kitsune - Kiriko's persona, occasionally used as for Animal Motifs * Manipulative Bitch * Ojou * Outlaw Couple - With Reizo. * Playing with Fire * Rich Bitch - Shades of this. She's definitely rich (or she was) and definitely snotty, but downright sadistic may be a little much. .... Sometimes. * Shadow Archetype * Ambition Is Evil * Blood-Splattered Wedding Dress * Tall, Dark and Bishoujo * The First Cut Is the Deepest - Shades of this; the whole fiasco left a big impression on her. * Whip It Good * Zany Scheme - The idol competition is nothing but. File:Kozue-image 8153.png Kozue Kondo - The High Priestess Played By: Reira * Alliterative Name * Arranged Marriage - Of the omiai variety. This comprises a good deal of her personal arc. * Blondes Are Evil - She fluctuates between this and Hair of Gold. * Blue Eyes - It's a major character plot point, believe it or not. * Dark Is Not Evil - When she eventually gets her elemental powers, at least. * Distressed Damsel - She's been kidnapped or imperiled more times than she cares to count. * Dumb Blonde * Eleventh-Hour Superpower - Kozue attains Mudo (Dark) offensive skills when she finally learns to love herself - around ten minutes before the game ends. * Ethical Slut - She shows shades of this, and will grow into it as time goes by. * Even the Girls Want Her - Or, at least, her butt, as evidenced by Renju and Suzume, at least. * Flower Motifs - And how. * Good Bad Girl * The Medic * Really Gets Around - She's practically famous for it. * Shadow Archetype * Distracted by the Luxury * The Vamp * White Mage File:Maeko 1655.jpg Maeko Akuba - The Empress * An Axe to Grind * Can't Catch Up * Class Representative - For class 2-B. * Don't You Dare Pity Me! * Driven by Envy * Dumb Struck * Everybody Hates Mathematics * Jerkass Woobie * Hair-Trigger Temper - Mild and not deliberate but still there. * Hard Work Hardly Works * Heroic RROD * My God, What Have I Done? - Drove most of her actions for five years. Only she didn't do it anyway, Misaki was lying. * Oblivious Guilt Slinging - A constant victim of it recently, when it's not her Hair-Trigger Temper tendancies filling in the blanks. Though knowing Misaki it may not be as oblivious as it seems. * Poisonous Friend - Which one is the poisonous one used to be pretty clear but is becoming debatable. * Shadow Archetype * Blind Idiot Translation * Love Makes You Crazy * Mama Bear * Not Good with People - Type 2. Hard. * Robe and Wizard Hat * Translation Train Wreck * Wicked Witch * The Hecate Sisters - Maeko (Maiden), the Blue Lady (Mother), Baba Yaga (Crone). Maeko's personality, her shadow especially, incorporates all three. * The Medic * The Resenter - A naturally slow girl with no real talent and lacking the ability to speak in a school meant for the extremely gifted and the cream of society? This was inevitable. * Wound That Will Not Heal - Her hands since her shadow, she picks at them as a nervous habit. File:Keiichi-1 5124.png Keiichi Ito - The Emperor Played By: Keiichi Maebara * Beware the Nice Ones - Who'd have expected friendly ol' Keiichi to have a crazy, controlling dictator for a repressed personality? * BFS - The 'S' stands for shield. It's taller than two or three of his teammates. * Butt Monkey - Gets bones reasonably often, but usually loses them. * Chef of Iron - In spite of his bad luck, he does manage to throw down pretty well. * Do Not Go Gentle - During Reizo's dungeon * Dogged Nice Guy * Expy - Of his played by. But not totally, or half the cast would be dead by now. * From Nobody to Nightmare - His shadow. * I Just Want to Be Badass - Ties into his dungeon issues. * Knight in Shining Armor - Though subverted, at times. * Large Ham - Sometimes. His Shadow has this trope on lockdown. * Nice Guy * Only Sane Man - At first, anyway... * Pungeon Master - Particularly in dungeons, as his "stress release." * Unlucky Everydude File:Kai 9746.jpg Kai Yamada - The Hierophant Played By: Noriyuki Izuna * Bishounen * Cowardly Lion - Made considerably ironic by the fact that his Persona is Shiisaa. * Despair Event Horizon - It's coming. * False Reassurance - Everytime he tries to appear confident about Paradise. * Gayngst - Averted. Kai is completely comfortable with his sexuality and won't allow others to treat him badly about it. * Hidden Depths - Don't let the sewing and fashion fool you, he also really likes baseball. * I Have Sisters - Why he's so good at sewing. * I Just Want to Be Normal - His Shadow. * Love Hurts - Kouki is the healthiest romance Kai has had to date, which is saying something, considering Kouki. * Motor Mouth - A touch of this, if you get him started on sewing, or his family, or, more recently, his new boyfriend. * Only Sane Man - Feels like this regarding Paradise. It's part of the reason he's distant from the team. * Shock and Awe - Lightning mage. * Straight Gay * The Woobie - According to some. * Yamato Nadeshiko - An ex-boyfriend-turned-bully (long story) gave him the nickname "Yamada Nadeshiko" because of his effeminate hobbies. * Yaoi Guys - With...Kouki. Somehow. File:Kanaye 9199.jpg Kanaye Satou - The Lovers Played By: Howl * The Alcoholic * Armed Legs * Bishounen * Butt Monkey - Somewhat due to Laser-Guided Karma. * Casanova Wannabe * Chivalrous Pervert * Clingy Jealous Boy - Towards Maeko. * Drowning My Sorrows * In Love with Love * Large Ham - And his shadow takes it Up to Eleven. * Life of the Party * Lonely Rich Kid * Put on a Bus * Shadow Archetype - His shadow. * Depraved Bisexual * The Hedonist * Incoming Ham - You'll know when he comes out immediately. * Large Ham - * Walking Shirtless Scene - But then again... * Who's Laughing Now? * Shock and Awe * Yandere File:Maasami 6828.jpg Sakuraba Masami Played By: Tsukiko Johshima * Action Girl * An Ice Person * Badass Adorable * Beware the Nice Ones * Chaste Hero * Cute and Psycho * Does Not Like Shoes - She always wears flip flops. At one point she completely lost her balance when her outfit changed to include high-heeled boots. * Dual-Wielding - Switches to this after her dungeon. * Enemy Within - Her Shadow of course. * Ax Crazy * Family-Unfriendly Violence * Hair-Trigger Temper * Unstoppable Rage * Kendo Team Captain - Subverted; she's not actually the Kendo Team Captain, but almost everyone thinks she is. * Lady of War * Martial Pacifist * Miko - She works part-time at the local shrine. * Rapunzel Hair * Shout-Out - She's dropped numerous lines from her PB's source, and occasionally says one-liners from other things too. * Spot of Tea - All the time. Masami is a tea fanatic. * The Ace * Tranquil Fury * Yamato Nadeshiko Emi Hayashi - Strength Played By: Both original artwork and Rin Kagamine * Bratty Half-Pint * Captain Obvious- Though it's on purpose. * Demoted to Extra * Enemy Scan * Mission Control - Replaced by Yoshimi after her demotion to extra. File:Ttlytoru 9704.jpg Toru Ishinomori - The Hermit Played By: Miharu Rokujou * Ascended Fanboy - Being a Persona-user is his wildest dream come true. * Audience Surrogate - Unintentionally. * Berserk Button - As revealed in Seiko's dungeon, disregarding one's own natural beauty is the easiest way to get the naturally 'ugly' Toru riled up. * Beautiful All Along - Sort of. * Heroic Sacrifice - During Reizo's dungeon. * Hikikomori * Hollywood Homely - Due to a number of factors, this ended up coming into play. * Horrible Judge of Character - He dated Kazuya and was best friends with Kanaye. He had a crush on Reizo. He willingly hangs out with Noboru. You do the math. * I Am Not Pretty - An unusual male example. * Idiot Hair * Impromptu Tracheotomy - A bit of High Octane Nightmare Fuel that happens to him courtesy of Reizo's shadow. * Love Hurts - Toru has had truly terrible luck in this area, but the way things end with Kazuya are particularly biting. * Love Makes You Dumb * Makeover Montage - Courtesy of Kiriko. * Meta Guy - Picks up on Shout Outs and references in dungeons quite cannily, and is good at spotting tropes in motion. * Otaku * Porn Stash - A portion of his Trash of the Titans that he strives to hide. * Platonic Life Partners - With Yoshimi. * Shadow Archetype * A Darker Me * Combat Tentacles - Or possibly Naughty Tentacles. * Depraved Bisexual - Horribly so. * Loners Are Freaks * Memetic Molester * The Beautiful Elite - Subverted HARD, and resentful because of it. * Two-Faced * Shrinking Violet * Stone Wall - Despite his scrawny looks. * The Nose Bleed - All the time. * Transparent Closet -Played for laughs, until Kazuya shows up. * Unwitting Pawn - To Kazuya. * Yaoi Guys - With Kazuya (and later Noboru). File:Toshi 4395.gif Toshimi Nawanaka - Wheel of Fortune Played By: Kafuka Fuura * Berserk Button- Calling her scary. * Blow You Away * Dissonant Serenity - Her smiling gets more and more inappropriate with each new horrible situation. * Emotionless Girl * Hair Decorations * Extreme Doormat * The Fatalist - A trait that is very repressed until her shadow appears. * Hidden Depths - Definitely not the mindlessly smiling, blithe shorttank you might initially take her for. * Nietzsche Wannabe * Phobia - Cars. * The Pollyanna - Subverted hard. * Red String of Fate - Everywhere in her dungeon. * Shorttank * Stepford Smiler * True Neutral File:Tomicon copy 7852.png Thomas Sagaki - Justice * Always Save the Girl - The one way in which it's obvious Tom's "I don't care about the rest of you" act is, well... an act. * Badass Bookworm * Batman Gambit * But Not Too Foreign - Tom is half-American. * The Comically Serious * Crazy Survivalist * Dark and Troubled Past * Determinator * Failure Knight - TOM'S DEVOTION MAKES YOU A SHADOW. * Ignore the Fanservice - His relationship with Seiko in a nutshell. * Jerkass Facade * Not Good with People * Teen Genius File:454830 7534.jpg Renju Sonozaki - The Hanged Man Played By: Kouya Sakagami * Bi the Way - Word of God states that she's about a Kinsey 1.5. Has shown a passing interest in both Kiriko and Masami. * Blow You Away * Buddhism - She sort-of-converts prior to her dungeon. Her dungeon steals and twists a lot of concepts from it. * Emotionless Girl - Somewhere between this, The Stoic, and the Tin Man. * Ill Girl - Borderline, not that she particularly shows it most of the time. * Meganekko * Orphan's Ordeal / Parental Abandonment - The death of her parents is the cause of most of her issues. * Scary Shiny Glasses - She tends to be locked into this trope while under severe emotional duress. * Shadow Archetype - Her Shadow. * Body Horror - Her boss fight involved this in its later stages. Nightmare Fuel for several people involved. * Darkness Equals Death - Her dungeon, particularly the end, where it borders on/intentionally invokes The Nothing After Death. * Evil Is Deathly Cold - Her dungeon, and the fight with her Shadow, parallel/mimic the Buddhist cold hells. * Face Framed in Shadow / Hidden Eyes - Constantly. * The Maze - Her dungeon likes these. A lot. * Nietzsche Wannabe - To some degree. * Tomboy and Girly Girl - With Kozue. File:Kou 3639.png Kouchisei "Kou" Oubai - Death Played By: Nozomu Itoshiki * Blade on a Stick * Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today? * Ho Yay - Which he is none too pleased about. * Insufferable Genius * Jerkass * Not Good with People - Extremely. * Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette * Parental Issues - Noteworthy in the case of his dead mom and controlling father. * Red Oni, Blue Oni - The Blue to Reizo's Red. * Sensitive Guy and Manly Man - Once again, with Reizo. They're both Jerkasses though. * Shadow Archetype * And I Must Scream * Nightmare Fuel * People Puppets * Perverse Puppet * Puppet Permutation * The Smart Guy * Smart People Wear Glasses * The Square * Squishy Wizard File:Seiko 5597.jpg Seiko Yukizaki - Temperance Played By: Milly Ashford * Bi the Way * Camp - She caused the glitter explosion. * Cloudcuckoolander * Cool Big Sis * Crazy Awesome - Her shadow and dungeon were made of this. * Everything's Better with Penguins * Everything's Better with Sparkles - * Everythings Funkier With Disco * Gag Boobs * Genki Girl * Good Bad Girl * Hidden Depths * Kindhearted Cat Lover - She absolutely adores her ugly, foul-tempered old tom, Goro-sama. * Large Ham - Her shadow. * Nice Girl * Nice Hat - The Happy Hat. * Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl - Her relationship with Tom. * Stepford Smiler * What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome? - An airship. Flown by penguins. File:Kazuyaarai 2971.png Kazuya Arai - The Devil Played By: Yoite * Aloof Big Brother -Shou is one, and a rather nasty one at that. * Bishonen * Closet Key - To Toru. * Cut Himself Shaving - Kaz claims to fall down the stairs A LOT. * Love Letter Lunacy - Towards Toru. * Manipulative Bastard * Nice Hat * One-Scene Wonder * Only a Flesh Wound * Put on a Bus * Secret Relationship - Attempted with Toru. * Stalking Is Love * Tsundere * The Woobie * Yaoi Guys -With Toru File:Reizwiki 6910.png Reizo Shirai - The Tower Played By: Haine Rammsteiner * Animal Motifs - Of the canine variety. * Badass * Badass Biker * Big Badass Wolf - His shadow and final persona. * Delinquent * Dye Hard - He's been bleaching his hair white for so long that nobody remembers what his natural color even looks like. * Ensemble Darkhorse * All Girls Want Bad Boys * Estrogen Brigade Bait - There's a reason for the "Reizo's Slim Hips" meme, after all. * Even the Guys Want Him - Here's looking at you, Toru. * Gag Penis - If #4 is to be believed. * Glasgow Grin * Jerkass * Light The Dog On Fire - He lights a man on fire in a bar fight. Seriously. * Launcher of a Thousand Ships - In-universe, even! * Outlaw Couple - Kireizo. * Slasher Smile * Smoking Is Cool - Taken to an art form. * Training From Hell * White-Haired Pretty Boy - SUBVERTED. * Yakuza File:Yoshiprof 220.jpg Yoshimi Tachibana - The Star Played by: Hana Adachi and others. * Dojikko - Falls down the stairs, locks herself in a storage closet, runs into a desk, falls out of a tree, burns herself while roasting marshmallows, gets stuck in multiple vending machines, and shoots herself with a nail gun. She improves slightly as she starts to grow up. * Genki Girl * Heroic BSOD / Ten-Minute Retirement - After nearly dying against Renju's Shadow. * White Shirt of Death - Wears a white coat during Renju's dungeon. It doesn't stay white. * Huge Schoolgirl - Ties with Kiriko at 169 cm. Unlike Kiriko, she's the gangly and awkward variant. * Like You Were Dying - Drives her after Shingo's death, though she's perfectly healthy. Manifests as: * A Party, Also Known As An Orgy - Invoked. For someone who only recently took an interest in partying, she has an easy time really getting around. * Bottle Fairy * Naughty by Night * Manic Pixie Dream Girl - Deconstructed. * Meganekko - Not an unusually brainy example, though. * New Super Power - Her combat role shifts every time her Persona does. * Neko Shogun: Fragile Speedster / Shock and Awe skillset. Unknowingly "inherited" from Shingo via Yoshimi's powers as The Empath, though the stats and skills are all hers. * Gullveig: Mission Control / Enemy Scan. Replaces Neko Shogun after The Reveal in Shingo's dungeon. * Freya: Magical Girl Warrior skillset, though she retains some of the Enemy Scan elements. Evolves from Gullveig before the final battle. * Platonic Life Partners - With Toru. * Shadow Archetype * Alice Allusion * Amusement Park of Doom * Clock Punk - Her Shadow's combat form is a clockwork rabbit. * Down the Rabbit Hole - In spirit. The team physically goes Through the Looking Glass, but they do so in trying to Follow the White Rabbit. * Hair-Raising Hare * Room Full of Crazy - Hidden under the funhouse. * Schedule Fanatic * Silly Rabbit, Romance Is for Kids - As is emotional attachment in general. * The Blanks - The team appears with their faces blurred on the other side of the mirror. * Star-Crossed Lovers - The only two Persona-users to share an arcana are, you guessed it, The Stars. * Widow Woman - The high school version, as a result. * The Burger King - Claims a rivalry with the Bland Name version. * The Ladette - Practices with the boys' soccer team after the new coach's Training From Hell drives off half of the regulars. * Trademark Favorite Food - Bromonade and Kiko's House of Wings. * Yaoi Fangirl * Shipper on Deck - Supported Reizo/Kouchisei, Kazuya/Toru, and Tom/Kai. * Wrong Genre Savvy - Despite (or perhaps because of) her fannish background, she always denies the obvious and upholds the inane when shipping. File:Isao 8041.png Isao Shimohama - The Moon * Addiction Displacement - More along the lines of sleep replaced with tons of useless hobbies and caffeine. * Almighty Janitor * Bad Dreams * Circus Brat * Dance Battler * Dream Land - His dungeon, apparently. * Dream Weaver - His personae are King Kuranes and Hypnos. * Drop-In Character * Fourth Wall Observer * The Generic Guy * Hidden Depths * The Insomniac * Jade-Colored Glasses * Must Have Caffeine * Shadow Archetype * Crazy Awesome * The Mad Hatter - Aware people think he's crazy, but sees no issue about it with himself. Cracking jokes in between mood swings is likely to happen. * Mood Swinger - And yes, the mood swings. Mostly drifting between the extremes of a high-on-life happy state and an angered or irritated state when something doesn't go his way. * Wild Card * The Wonka - To mix hand-in-hand with The Mad Hatter trope. * True Neutral File:Misakiaoi 4029.jpg Misaki Aoi - The Sun Played By: Lacus Clyne * Abusive Parents - Strawman Abusive Parents is more accurate, though. * Annoying Younger Sibling - Tomako, her little brother. * Break the Cutie * Extreme Doormat - Thanks to her home life, she comes across as one. * Feminine Women Can Cook - A prominent member of the school's cooking club, who loves cooking for everyone. * Horrible Judge of Character - The absolute worst. * Informed Ability - Many of them. * The Ingenue * Morality Pet - For Maeko. * Playing with Fire * The Chick * The Woobie * Wide-Eyed Idealist File:Blackcouch 1958.jpg The Sweet Couch - The World * Companion Cube * Memetic Badass NPCs Kei Sato * Alternate Timeline - Dies in the first, awakens to his power as The Chosen One in the second, and lives as an Ordinary High School Student in the third. * Dying Alone - Though he's saved, it's only retroactively. * It Sucks to Be the Chosen One * Heterosexual Life Partners - With Shingo, and, to a lesser extent, Seiji. * Messianic Archetype - The trimmings are all there (The Chosen One, surrounded by angels, dies for Iburi's sins, comes back to life, awakens the mundanes to their potential), but the The Unchosen Ones ultimately save the world without any help. * Party Wipe - Falls to the Warmup Boss, setting the main plot of the game in motion. * Posthumous Character - For the majority of the game, though he gets better in time for the finale. * Sacrificial Lamb * The Chosen One - Heard the call and failed. Shingo Furukawa * Alternate Timeline - Dies in the first, awakens to his power as Mission Control in the second, and lives as an Ordinary High School Student in the third. * Amnesiac Lover - To Yoshimi, in the third timeline. * Book Dumb * Dying Alone - Though he's saved, it's only retroactively. * Heterosexual Life Partners - With Kei, and eventually Seiji. * Posthumous Character - For the majority of the game, though he gets better in time for the finale. * Relationship Reset Button - With Yoshimi, between the alternate timelines. * Shadow Archetype * Animal Mecha - His giant robot dinosaur miniboss. * Warmup Boss - Was the first Persona-user thrown into Paradise, and would have been the first saved if Kei hadn't fallen to his giant robot dinosaur miniboss. * Star-Crossed Lovers - The only two Persona-users to share an arcana are, you guessed it, The Stars. Shirou Mizoguchi Played By: Yukimura Sanada * Catch Phrase - "ALL RIGHT! I'M PUMPED NOW!" Also a Memetic Mutation. * Cloudcuckoolander * Ensemble Darkhorse * Expy - Started off as one for Sanada Yukimura. * Hot-Blooded - * Large Ham * No Indoor Voice Kajiko Yamaguchi * Catch Phrase - She has two: "Because it's the Tea Club." and "All according to plan." Both also serve as Shout Outs. * Ill Girl - She's out sick frequently, hence her infrequent (and late) appearance in the game. * Magnificent Bastard * Onee-Sama - To Suzume. * The Ojou * Screw the Rules, I Have Money * Spot of Tea - She's the president of the school's Tea Ceremony Club. Suzume Suzuki * Cool Big Sis - Attempts to be one to everyone in the school. * Genki Girl * Growing Up Sucks * Hot-Blooded * Shorttank Noriko Kojima * Hot Scoop * Moral Event Horizon - His 'date' with Keiichi. * Villainous Crossdresser * You Gotta Have Blue Hair Kouki Yoshida * Cloudcuckoolander * Fun Personified * Ho Yay - With Kai * Mad Artist - There are shades of it. * Manic Pixie Dream Boy - He's become this in relation to Kai. * Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant * Obfuscating Stupidity * True Art Is Incomprehensible Gendou Retsu * Absurdly Powerful Student Council - Subverted. He's really quite powerless and ineffectual. * Ambiguously Gay * Smug Snake * Student Council President Noboru Takagi * Bi the Way * Big Brother Mentor - To everyone who'll tolerate it. * Covert Pervert - Only about Toru, though... * Jerk with a Heart of Gold - Most obviously towards Toru, his roommate. * The Nicknamer - He can never remember anybody's name, so he is responsible for: * Ishinotaku- Toru Ishinomori * Sammy - Isamu Sugiyama * Okinawa-kun - Kai * No-bro - Himself. * Noodle Incident - We never do find out what made him hate Kouki so much... * The Slacker * Troll - But only towards Toru. Isamu Sugiyama * Friend to All Living Things * Morality Pet - To Noboru. Tamiko Takahashi * Alpha Bitch Kenjiro Ito * Amazingly Embarrassing Parent - As the gym teacher, he's in charge of the school's sex ed unit. Including the one for his son's class. * Bumbling Dad - He's Keiichi's father. Not that he does a great job of it... * Large Ham * Training From Hell Kiyoshi Akiyama * Cargo Ship - Kiyoshi/Microwave. * Demoted to Extra - He was originally slated to be the Star arcana Persona-user before Yoshimi was introduced. Now he just fills up a desk in one of the classrooms. The Bear * Everything's Worse with Bears The Angels Played By: Kabuto Yakushi, Hanataro Yamada, etc... * Giftedly Bad - Seiji's poetry * I See Dead People - Seiji to Yoshimi, outing her as a Widow Woman. * Knight Templar * Light Is Not Good * Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant - Seiji. * Sweet on Polly Oliver - Seiji to Noriko. * Winged Humanoid The Gossipers Played By: Meru Otonashi, Kaere Kimura, Harumi Fujiyoshi, and Nami Hito * Childhood Marriage Promise - Between #3 and #4. 3 doesn't remember. 4 does. * Ensemble Darkhorse * The Faceless * Fountain of Memes * Gag Boobs -#2 * Greek Chorus * Jerkass -#4. In spades. * Lethal Chef - Subverted. #4 can cook perfectly well, but she's too lazy to, most of the time. * No Name Given * Refuge in Audacity -#4 * Shrinking Violet -#1 * Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep" - They're only known as #1, #2, #3, and #4. * Yaoi Fangirl -#3, who ships practically everyone in the school. * Zany Scheme - Most of them involve attempts to kidnap Kozue.
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