| - Mechtogan first appeared as an entity released accidentally by Dan, that wreaks havoc whenever Drago battles. In Mechtogan Mayhem, it is revealed that despite their mechanical nature, they are fully sentient beings. In Chaos Control, it was shown that Drago had to tame Zenthon in order to obey his commands. In the anime, Some Mechtogan may need to be tamed/broken in before they will obey you. It is similar to what cowboys would do to break wild stallions in. According to Genesis Dragonoid, Mechtogan are also born from desire to come together with others.
| - Mechtogan first appeared as an entity released accidentally by Dan, that wreaks havoc whenever Drago battles. In Mechtogan Mayhem, it is revealed that despite their mechanical nature, they are fully sentient beings. In Chaos Control, it was shown that Drago had to tame Zenthon in order to obey his commands. In the anime, Some Mechtogan may need to be tamed/broken in before they will obey you. It is similar to what cowboys would do to break wild stallions in. Mechtogan in the anime sometimes closely resemble the appearance of the Bakugan that spawned them, hence with Zenthon/Drago, Taylean/Silent Strike and Razenoid/Dreadeon. In order to control a Mechtogan in the anime, a brawler and Bakugan must be in sync with each other, only then will the Mechtogan will be able to communicate with them and fight at their leisure. There is also another, albeit forced, way of controlling Mechtogan through special braces made by Mag Mel, however these forced methods cause strain on the brawler and some take up a lot energy just to summon them. In A Royale Pain, Paige and Rafe give a brief lesson to Shun and Marucho about the Mechtogan. Mechtogan are apparently created when the bond between Brawler and Bakugan is out of sync. Basically, it is a manifestation of the imbalance between Brawler and Bakugan. Rafe said that theoretically, since Mechtogan came from the Bakugan, they can be controlled only if the balance between Brawler and Bakugan is back in sync. Both of them also mentioned that there were alternate methods used to control the Mechtogan, like the ones used by Anubias and Sellon, but they were not sure about them. They also said they had never seen a Mechtogan before and they had been studying them from the ancient texts, meaning that they are very old and ancient. According to Coredegon, if a Mechtogan is mutated, it can survive without its creator. It was revealed by Genesis Dragonoid that this mutation was because of Fury's violent and destructive intentions from being banished to the Doom Dimension. According to Genesis Dragonoid, Mechtogan are also born from desire to come together with others.