| - Goodwin był jednym z Innych. Infiltrował grupę z tylnej części samolotu Oceanic Lot 815. Zabity przez Ane-Lucie.
- Goodwin Stanhope era un Otro enviado por Ben para unirse a los supervivientes de la sección de cola, mientras que Ethan era enviado a unirse a los de la sección central. Fue asesinado por Ana Lucía Cortez después de que ella descubriera su verdadera identidad. Estaba casado con Harper Stanhope, sin embargo le fue infiel con Juliet.
- Categoria:Da riscrivere Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Età Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione PerchéAustralia PerchéDestinazione PerchéIsola Familiari Connessioni Goodwin Stanhope era uno degli degli altri, il quale viene inviato da Ben per infiltrarsi tra i sopravvissuti della sezione coda. Viene ucciso da Ana-Lucia Cortez dopo che lei ne aveva scoperto la reale provenienza. Era sposato con Harper Stanhope, ma intratteneva una relazione con Juliet Burke.
- Goodwin Stanhope is a villain in Lost. He appeared as the antagonist of the episode The Other 48 Days. He is a member of the Others.
- Goodwin Stanhope foi um dosOutro enviado por Ben para juntar-se ao grupo da seção da cauda, enquanto Ethan foi enviado para juntar-se aos sobreviventes da [[Se%C3%A7%C3%A3o_Intermedi%C3%A1ria|seção intermediária]]. Ele foi morto por Ana-Lucia após ela descobrir sua verdadeira identidade, como um membro do ainda não intitulado Time O.
- Goodwin Stanhope was an Other who was sent by Ben to join the tail section of survivors. He was killed by Ana Lucia after she found out his true identity. At the time of his death, he was unhappily married to Harper Stanhope and was having an affair with Juliet Burke.
- Goodwin is de naam van een van de Anderen die door Ben naar de overlevenden van de staartsectie werd gestuurd. Hij werd gedood door Ana-Lucia Cortez nadat ze achter zijn ware identiteit kwam.
- Goodwin claimed to be in the Peace Corps, when he was talking with Ana Lucia, which may have been a partial truth, but little is known for sure about his life prior to the Island, if he was indeed brought there. It is currently unknown whether Goodwin was telling the truth about his time in the Peace Corps, or whether he was one of the Island's original Hostiles. It is presumed that Goodwin was brought to the Island by Jacob, as he is listed as #48 in the list of Jacob's candidates.
- Goodwin Stanhope ist einer der Anderen, der von Ben zu den Heckteil Überlebenden geschickt wird. Er wird von Ana-Lucia umgebracht, nachdem sie seine wahre Identität herausfindet.
- Goodwin Stanhope était l'un des Autres assigné à la station Tempête. Marié à Harper, il entretenait une liaison avec Juliet Burke depuis son arrivée sur l'île en 2001. Cependant, Ben est devenu jaloux et l'a envoyé infiltrer les survivants de la queue du vol Oceanic 815 en septembre 2004. Ana Lucia a fini par découvrir sa véritable identité et l'a abattu suite à un combat à mains nues. (Les Autres 48 Jours ; L'Autre femme)
- Goodwin Stanhope was a member of “The Others” who infiltrated the camp of the Tail Section Survivors of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815. Goodwin was married to the island's therapist, Harper Stanhope. Goodwin worked at the Tempest Station, and first met Juliet Burke after being treated for a chemical burn by her. Goodwin began an affair with her much to the dismay of Harper; and Ben who is in love with Juliet. (The Other Woman) When Oceanic Flight 815 crashed onto the island, he was instructed by Ben to head to the shore and blend in as one of the survivors. (A Tale of Two Cities)