| - Estobania is the capital of both the Union Of Kinsek and the civil capital of the Highlandic Federation. The city is the second most populous within the Highlandic Federation, and is home to the Estobanian Provincial Assembly, Kinsekian Parliament and the Highlandic Federal Government. Built during the early 19th century, Estobania is one of the older cities within the Highlandic Federation, and has firmly supplanted itself as one of the cultural capitals throughout White Highlands. Reaching it's peak of more than 3 million inhabitants during the Communist Era. The city of Estobania has played a critical role in the history of the region, both ancient and modern. As a principality it was the capital for one of the first and foremost city states before the ear of unification. And more recently held the bedrock for numerable revolutions including the 2977 Kinsekian Revolution and the Kinsekian Civil War. Today the city is the region's foremost business and cultural capital, and it's influences in politics, sports, media and languages constituting to one of the many diversities found throughout the Highlandic Federation. Being situated at the center of the regional motorway and railway network, Estobania is also the center of Highlandic civic governance, and has a entire range of embassies, monuments,museums and other historically significant buildings much to contrast of most of the region. Because of these differences, Estobania has been described as the "Only piece of culture we have,". The unique identity of Estobanians mean that unlike the surrounding provincial regions, Estobania has it's own language, dialect, and practices. Such as driving on the right instead of the left hand side of the road.