| - Amongst her colleagues, Moonracer is the joy and the laughter. The bubbly little sister, Moonracer is full of naïve optimism and, to the dismay of her partners-in-guerilla warfare, pratfalls. She worries that others, either friends or enemies, don't take her seriously and dismiss her as simply being cute. But she'll show them. She'll show them she too can be hardcore. According to herself, Moonracer is the best sharpshooter in the universe.
- MOONRACER regards herself as the best shot on Cybertron, if not the galaxy, and she is quick to show off to anyone she encounters. She is reckless and headstrong, but is an expert pistol marksman, and specializes in trick shots. She tends to disobey her commanders when she thinks she knows better, with mixed results. She feels bad if her actions hurt the team, but she seldom learns from her mistakes. In robot mode, she wields a quick-draw laser pistol, for which she's earned her renown. In cybercar mode, she is amazingly fast over unbroken terrain, breaking 300 mph easily. Always eager to show off her skills, Moonracer tends to get into trouble often, and constantly requires the help of her friends.
- Moonracer's vehicle mode is a Cybertronian hovercar, with a complementary electro-cannon mounted in a side panel. In this form she can reach speeds of up to 250mph, leaving a blurred image in her wake. In robot mode, Moonracer is almost as fast, but drops the electro-cannon in favor of her combination pulse laser rifle/grenade launcher. In robot mode, Moonracer has access to stealth technology that allows her to observe and act almost without being seen or heard. She has a penchant for removing problems with a single shot from the darkness. Moonracer's only real weakness is her self-doubt, which grows greater with each battle she fights, every friend she loses...
| - MOONRACER regards herself as the best shot on Cybertron, if not the galaxy, and she is quick to show off to anyone she encounters. She is reckless and headstrong, but is an expert pistol marksman, and specializes in trick shots. She tends to disobey her commanders when she thinks she knows better, with mixed results. She feels bad if her actions hurt the team, but she seldom learns from her mistakes. In robot mode, she wields a quick-draw laser pistol, for which she's earned her renown. In cybercar mode, she is amazingly fast over unbroken terrain, breaking 300 mph easily. Always eager to show off her skills, Moonracer tends to get into trouble often, and constantly requires the help of her friends. Amongst her colleagues, Moonracer is the joy and the laughter. The bubbly little sister, Moonracer is full of naïve optimism and, to the dismay of her partners-in-guerilla warfare, pratfalls. She worries that others, either friends or enemies, don't take her seriously and dismiss her as simply being cute. But she'll show them. She'll show them she too can be hardcore.
- Amongst her colleagues, Moonracer is the joy and the laughter. The bubbly little sister, Moonracer is full of naïve optimism and, to the dismay of her partners-in-guerilla warfare, pratfalls. She worries that others, either friends or enemies, don't take her seriously and dismiss her as simply being cute. But she'll show them. She'll show them she too can be hardcore. According to herself, Moonracer is the best sharpshooter in the universe.
- Moonracer's vehicle mode is a Cybertronian hovercar, with a complementary electro-cannon mounted in a side panel. In this form she can reach speeds of up to 250mph, leaving a blurred image in her wake. In robot mode, Moonracer is almost as fast, but drops the electro-cannon in favor of her combination pulse laser rifle/grenade launcher. In robot mode, Moonracer has access to stealth technology that allows her to observe and act almost without being seen or heard. She has a penchant for removing problems with a single shot from the darkness. Moonracer's only real weakness is her self-doubt, which grows greater with each battle she fights, every friend she loses... Skills: Area Knowledge - Cybertron, Explosives, Trick Shooting, and Sniper