| - Fourth suit forcing is a convention. This convention is alertable. In non-competitive auctions, it often happens that three suits are bid and no fit is found, as in The opener's 1♠ bid was forcing. Responder now has several options:
* With a minimum, responder can rebid one of the previously mentioned suits or notrump at the cheapest level.
* With any more, the responder must either make a jump rebid of a previous suit or notrump, or bid 2♦. There are a number of different ways to treat this convention: In all cases, the fourth suit is forcing and artificial.
| - Fourth suit forcing is a convention. This convention is alertable. In non-competitive auctions, it often happens that three suits are bid and no fit is found, as in The opener's 1♠ bid was forcing. Responder now has several options:
* With a minimum, responder can rebid one of the previously mentioned suits or notrump at the cheapest level.
* With any more, the responder must either make a jump rebid of a previous suit or notrump, or bid 2♦. Since a diamond fit is unlikely, and since the jump bids don't make a distinction between invitational and game-forcing strength, the fourth suit forcing convention was developed. There are a number of different ways to treat this convention: 1.
* The fourth suit bid may be invitational, in which case the jump is game-forcing. 2.
* The fourth suit bid may be game-forcing, in which case the jump is invitational. 3.
* The fourth suit is invitational at the two-level and game-forcing at the three-level. In all cases, the fourth suit is forcing and artificial. An alternate name of this convention is fourth suit artificial since the emphasis of this convention is that the fourth suit bid is artificial.