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- Sola (そら, Sky)
- Sola è una sirena che lavora al Mermaid Café.
- Sola is a major character from John Carter. Inheriting her caring and gentle traits from her father Tars Tarkas, Sola is an outcast in Thark society for her behavior. As a result, she has been punished many times over the years and has various scars on her back. She was played by Samantha Morton.
- Sola miasto na wyspie Tropikana dawniej stolica państwa Tropikana. Na rok 2012 w obszarze prowincji Sarmacji Gellonia i Starosarmacja. Kategoria:Stolice Kategoria:Miejscowości Kategoria:Tropikana
- Sola 「そら Sora?, Cielo」, también conocido como Sola Project, es un manga escrito por Naoki Hisaya e ilustrado por Chako Abeno, que comenzó su publicación en diciembre de 2006 y acabó en febrero de 2008. Posee una adaptación al anime que se emitió durante 2007, dicha adaptación fue considerada la mejor de ese año, según una votación realizada en Japón.
- Sola is de 32e geregistreerde gebruikster van het internetontmoetingsplein Pokemon Gem Mine. Samen met Evening Bird, Black Rayquaza en Mijaafa representeert ze de vrouwelijke kant van PGM. Ze is ook sinds december 2008 moderator van een aantal boards op PGM, waaronder Chatbox, Gamehonk en Fanfic.
- Sola was a female Human communication officer of the Galactic Republic living during the Galactic War. In 3640 BBY she was stationed on the Thranta-class corvette Outrider that was assigned by Supreme Chancellor Leontyne Saresh to investigate Hutt Cartel military activity in the Vyron system. Upon jumping out of Hyperspace, the crew witnesses the end of the battle involving the Hutt Cartel forces and reported the situation to Saresh. Captain Hardin then took the corvette to Nal Hutta, where a strike team shuttled down to the surface to discuss the matter with Cartel leader Karagga. The confrontation ended in violence and Karagga was killed, leading the position of the Supreme Mogul vacant.
- Sola is one of the main characters of the anime series, BeyWarriors: Cyborg. She travels through Teslandia with Nico, Al and Dr. Prost to collect the most Tokens for the city of Lightning.
- The island of Saba was initially found by a shipwrecked English crew in the year 1632, who claimed the island was totally uninhabited. Three years later, a Frenchman claimed the island for Louis XIII of France. Five years later in 1640, the Dutch governor of St. Estatius sent people to colonize the island for the Dutch West India Company. The colony was a failure, and the people evicted to St. Maarten in 1665. The Dutch initially held onto the islands for the next few centuries until the Solan Act of Independence in 1998.
- Morimiya Yorito ist ein 15-jähriger Oberschüler mit einem seltenen Hobby. Er liebt es den Himmel zu beobachten und zu fotografieren. Er lebt alleine, hat aber eine Schwester die aufgrund ihrer Krankheit im Krankenhaus lebt. Eines Tages entschließt er sich, ein Foto der Morgendämmerung zu machen und während er sein Equipment aufstellt, trifft er ein junges Mädchen welches Probleme mit einem kaputten Automaten zu haben scheint. Er hilft ihr ein wenig, aber bevor er nach ihrem Namen fragen kann verschwindet sie.