| - Donovan is a human male. He first appears in "Curses".
- Donovan was a planet located within the Chommell sector in the Mid Rim region of the galaxy.
- Donovan was a pedophile, a subordinate of Gambino, and the man who raped Guts.
- Donovan è un professore di fisica ed è il miglior amico di Desmond. Ha consigliato la tesi a una studentessa di nome Partridge. L'interesse di Donovan per la sua materia è data dall'imprevidibilità della stessa. Donovan conosce le vicissitudini della storia di Desmond con Penelope Widmore. Possiede quantomeno una sommaria conoscenza sui viaggi nel tempo.
- Donovan - technik Strażników Reilly.
- Donovan was a D.E.O. agent.
- Donovan soon transcended the acoustic medium to develop an eclectic but very successful style that blended folk, jazz (an obscure derivative of ragtime that he rediscovered while visiting New Orleans with his parents in 1969), pop (popular music was a component in Donovan's music, but until his anointed discovery was pretty boring), psychedelia (Donovan was the first Westerner to indulge in psychedelics, having studied with Don Juan Matus years before Carlos Castaneda and world music (more on the Atlantis connection later).
- Donovan ist der Mechaniker von Reilly's Rangers, den man 2277 zum ersten Mal auf dem Dach des Statesman Hotel antreffen kann.
- La guerra cuando llegas a la guerra en conker live relodead en el aslto no taran que en el inicio del juego conker esta en el bar conker hace una llamada a berri mintiendole que se encontro a unos chicos que iran a una guerra en este caso berri hace ejercicio con musica y delo contrario no lo escucha despues conker en final conker se vuelve rey la mentando la muerte de berri 200 años despues conker se vuelve el general de las ardillas
- Donovan (born Donovan Phillips Leitch; May 10, 1946) is a Scottish guitarist and singer-songwriter. He provided the voice for himself in episode "The Deep South".
- Apareció solo en el Manga, junto con Sonieh y Gina, cuando Luffy se preparaba para elegir a un miembro de los Piratas de Foxy al ganar el Davy Back Fight, sin embargo eligió la bandera.
- Donovan es un profesor de física de Londres. Es el tutor de tesis de una alumna llamada Partridge. Donovan estudia la imprevisibilidad inherente a la investigación. Es localizado por Desmond luego de los extraños destellos que le mostraban su pasado en la isla. En un bar de Londres, Desmond plantea su teoría a Donovan sobre un viaje en el tiempo desde la isla hasta el pasado londinense. Allí Donovan no presta atención a las palabras de Desmond ya que cuando este predice que en el partido televisado remotan ese mismo equipo pierde, además cree que va a entrar un tipo que golpeará al barman y en vez de eso entran dos chicas, por lo que su predicción sale errónea.
- Donovan(ドノヴァンDonovan) is a minor antagonist who appears in Battle Tendency. Donovan is an army special force member sent to apprehend Joseph Joestar in the Mexican desert.
- Donovan est l'un des 50 charpentiers de L'Équipage de Foxy. Ce dernier le proposa à Luffy, suite à sa défaite au Davy Back Fight.
- Donovan was the Strigoi whom Dimitri called in Last Sacrifice to find out the location of Sonya Karp. He was later staked by Dimitri during interrogation.
- Walter Donovan is is the American leader of the Nazi group tasked to find the Holy Grail.
- Folk rock musician whose Mellow Yellow has sexual references. The line "Electrical banana is gonna be a sudden craze" led hippies to believe that banana peels were the latest high.
- Donovan is a supporting character in The Secret Life of the American Teenager, introduced in Season 1. He is the partner of Leon. He is portrayed by Alex Boling.
- Donovan a.k.a. NightReign is the son of Lady Evina and Evina's second husband, and the half-brother of Cenara and Edward/Vampire Slayer E.
- The DonoVan is a in Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV.Broken {{ref}} (youtube link)
- Donovan is a warrior and member of the Vulfsatz. He has taught Hannibal Losstarot hand-to-hand combat and oversees his physical training, including horseback riding and fencing. He is currently chasing the Fellowship of Maar Sul with other Vulfsatz members.
- Carl Donovan is Alex Sawyer's cellmate when he first arrived in Furnace. He was put away after killing his abusive step-father in a fit of anger.
- Donovan is a fictional character created by H. P. Lovecraft, who makes his only appearance in the 1928 short story "The Call of Cthulhu". He is a member of the Emma of Auburn, although his role is uncertain. When the crew discovers Cthulhu's vault in R'lyeh, William Briden fails to find its opening. Donovan proceeds to feel "over it delicately around the edge," press "each point separately as he went," and is the one who successfully opens the immense door, after climbing atop the structure and finding it to give inward. However once the door has been opened, Cthulhu emerges, killing Donovan, Guerrera and Angstrom.
- Donovan - Profesor fizyki w Londynie. Pracuje nad badaniami nieprzewidywalności. Rozmawia z koleżanką z pracy, gdy wbiega przemoczony Desmond, który pyta się go co wie na temat podrózy w czasie. Kiedy Des słyszy piosenkę, mówi mu, że Greybridge odrobią stratę dwóch goli i wygrają mecz, a potem wejdzie do baru Jimmy Lennon i przyłoży barmanowi kijem, ponieważ ten jest mu winien forsę. Ale Donovan mu nie uwierzył. Jak później dowiadujemy się Desmond pomylił wieczory. Radzi Desmond'owi by sformalizował związek z Penny, bo prawdziwa miłość nie zdarza się często.
- Donovan (ドノバン Donoban) is an enemy character from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. Alongside a squad of axe fighters, Donovan is ordered by Duke Daccar to occupy Silesse Castle and take Queen Rahna hostage.
- Donovan is the Reilly's Rangers engineer first seen on the rooftop of the Statesman Hotel in the year 2277.
- Donovan är en manlig Tau'ri, och en medlem av Atlantis Expeditionen. Under 2008, Donovan och hans team tillsammans med Dr Radek Zelenka besökte M2J. Medan de var på planeten, tillbaka på Atlantis och Sekkari AI tog formen av Zelenka att se Dr Meredith Rodney McKay skulle hitta seed carrier på havsbotten. AIs förklaring till Zelenka tidiga avkastning blev att tre medlemmar av Donovan team lidit en allvarlig allergisk reaktion mot vad som var i maten på M2J. (ATL: "Remnants") kategori:Amerikaner kategori:Atlantis Expeditionen medlem kategori:Jorden militär personal Kategori: Löjtnanter Kategori: Nämnd endast Atlantis karaktär
- Donovan est un professeur de physique à Londres. Il travaille avec une étudiante nommée Partridge sur sa thèse. Les études de Donovan concernent l'imprévisible. Donovan est le meilleur ami de Desmond. Il est donc au courant de sa relation avec Penny. Il semble également avoir des connaissances sur les voyages temporels.
- Donovan was a leader in the Mars Resistance. While not exactly senior to Number One in the organization - especially on Mars - many of the Resistance's more extremist elements took their orders from him. During the Earth Alliance Civil War in 2261, he was stuck Earthside and unable to maintain contact with his operatives on Mars. In one situation, Phillipe went over Number One's head and checked with Donovan before he bombed an Earthforce patrol he saw arriving at the Red Planet Hotel, killing ten civilians in the process.
- Donovan is one of the fifty mechanics of the Foxy Pirates. Luffy chose their flag instead of one of their shipwrights.
- Donovan was a physicist and a good friend of Desmond's who was confronted when Desmond came to the conclusion that he may have traveled back in time. When Donovan doubts his belief, Desmond states that he remembers the night and that he can predict what will happen in the next few moments, however, Desmond gets the night wrong by one day, and he appears incorrect and crazy in Donovan's eyes.
- Donovan is a fictional Alimon from the fanfiction series, A Sharptooth's Heart belonging to A Sharptooth's Heart creator, Sora W.T.K..
- Donovan ist Professor für Physik in London. Er betreut eine Examensstudentin namens Partridge bei ihrer Abschlussarbeit. Donovan ist etwas besorgt über die inhärente Unberechenbarkeit ihrer Untersuchung. Donovan ist Desmonds bester Freund, der über die Hintergründe seiner Beziehung mit Penny Widmore Bescheid weiß. Er besitzt außerdem ein oberflächliches Wissen über das Prinzip von Zeitreisen. („“)
- Donovvan is an arrogant and attractive trainer from the orre region.. he can be quite antagonistic towards others and doesn't seem to show any remorse when he makes them cry.however he does have respect for Prof.Krane. Pokemon- Floatzel Cradily
- The two singers were portrayed as rivals in the pop press of the mid-1960s and Donovan was sometimes written off as a Dylan imitator. In fact both singers were admirers of the group of older wandering bohemian folk singers headed by Woody Guthrie. While the young Dylan took Guthrie as his role model, Donovan, after leaving school at 16, embraced the beatnik lifestyle as described in Jack Kerouac's On The Road. He travelled down to Cornwall, a centre of beatnik activity,
- Donovan was a physicist (presumably a professor of physics) in London and a friend of Desmond's. Donovan was criticizing a student's thesis on the topic of unpredictability one day when Desmond ran in, soaking wet; this apparently proved a point Donovan was making to the student.
- Donovan (born Donovan Philips Leitch; 10 May 1946) is a Scottish singer, songwriter and guitarist. He developed an eclectic and distinctive style that blended folk, jazz, pop, psychedelia, and world music (notably calypso). He has lived in Scotland, London and California, and, since at least 2008, in County Cork, Ireland, with his family.[1] Emerging from the British folk scene, Donovan reached fame in the United Kingdom in early 1965 with live performances on the pop TV series, Ready Steady Go!.
- Donovan is Martha M. Masters' roommate and fellow medical school classmate. She was portrayed by actress Jennifer Landon. It appears Donovan and Masters have been roommates all during medical school and remain roommates entering their internships. Donovan appears to think that Masters is too high strung, and often tells her to relax her study habits. Unlike some of Masters' other classmates, Donovan won't make fun of Masters or make jokes at her expense, but she realizes Masters appreciates people being honest with her and doesn't hesitate to reveal to Masters that her behavior is "weird", although harmless.
- Donovan (born Donovan Philips Leitch, 10 May 1946) is a Scottish singer, songwriter and guitarist. Initially labelled an imitator of Bob Dylan, he developed an eclectic and distinctive style that blended folk, jazz, pop, psychedelia, and world music (notably calypso). He has variously lived in Scotland, London, and California, and, since at least 2008, has lived in County Cork, Ireland with his family. Emerging from the British folk scene, Donovan shot to fame in the United Kingdom in early 1965 with a series of live performances on the pop TV series, Ready Steady Go!.
- Donovan was minor character and a bullish man who is an enemy in the game Saw II: Flesh & Blood. He is one of the two bullish men who are explained more than the rest. Michael Tapp encounters him and is immediatly attacked by him. Michael uses various weapons to knock him out when his spikes get stuck in the wooden crates. Michael encounters Donovan again later, Donovan attacks Michael again and Michael kills Donovan by dropping a large metal crate on him from a crane.
- Donovan é um Professor de Física em Londres. Ele é orientador de uma estudante da graduação chamada Partridge, em sua tese. Donovan diz a respeito de sua pesquisa sobre imprevisão inerente. Baseado em sua admiração, Donovan expressa quão maravilhosas são as qualidades aleatórias da vida, é nesta lógica que a pesquisa de Partridge envolve o trabalho com Princípio da Incerteza de Heisenberg e/ou Teoria do Caos, ambos são assuntos centrais na física moderna.