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- In 2008, GRIN began work on what would have been a Final Fantasy action game spin-off known by the codename "Fortress", which, based on initial artwork, would have likely had some connection to Final Fantasy XII. However, in 2009, GRIN began facing financial troubles when Square Enix recalled the project. This, coupled with delayed payments from multiple publishers, lead to the company declaring bankruptcy in August of that year, with the status of Fortress left largely unknown.
- Grin is an enigma. Does he really grin? Or is that just a claim. He's also a member of the "California Alliance"
- <default>Grin</default> Chapter №: Album №: Release date: Last Chapter: Next Chapter: Anime adaptation: Grin ( 嗤い / あざわらい / azawarai / Sardonic Laughter ) is the sixty-third chapter of the Elfen Lied manga series. A story arc digest of chapters sixty-three through seventy-one is also available.
- Grin is an antidepressant featured in radio advertisements in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, and in yourmexicandoctor.com in Grand Theft Auto IV. The player cannot purchase Grin in both games it appears in.
- Grin — антидепрессант, рекламу которого можно услышать в Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, а также найти на сайте yourmexicandoctor.com в Grand Theft Auto: IV. Ни самих таблеток, ни логотипа нигде нельзя найти. Категория:Внутриигровые продукты Категория:Особенности GTA San Andreas Категория:Особенности GTA IV Категория:Бизнес в GTA IV Категория:Бизнес Категория:Бизнес в GTA San Andreas
- Grin ist eine Anti-Stress-Pille aus Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas und Grand Theft Auto IV, die unter anderem von yourmexicandoctor.net verkauft wird.
- Grin – antydepresanty występujące w Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas i Grand Theft Auto IV. W San Andreas informacja o nich pojawia się w reklamach radiowych, natomiast w GTA IV na stronie Yourmexicandoctor.com, na której można je kupić za $25. Kapsułki te pomagają zwalczać lęk, depresję i brak pewności siebie. Są one bezpieczne i nie uzależniają. W jednym opakowaniu znajduje się 90 kapsułek tego leku.
- Grin was the nickname of a Gutter drug dealer, since he almost never smiled.
- Your eyes playing a trick on you, yeah, that’s it… just my eyes. We all tell ourselves that, believe it, and know it. Why do we feel some of our dreams, the pain, sadness, fear? Do our minds have control of our nerves, and are they capable of making us feel anything? And if so, what happens if something is controlling your mind? Can it just make anything happen to you? When you sleep, why can’t you remember falling asleep? It just happens.
- Megvalósult az ember évszázados álma: lehetségessé vált a csillagközi utazás! Jelöltek egész csapatai küzdenek egymással, hogy elfoglalhassák megtisztelő helyüket az első csillaghajó fedélzetén, és ezzel együtt a történelemkönyvek lapjain. A más bolygókon értelmes lényeket keresni hivatott expedíció indulása előtt azonban elképesztő titokra derül fény. Az annyira keresett földönkívüliek talán már itt is vannak közöttünk, sőt a csillaghajóprogramba is beszivárogtak. Vajon hányan lehetnek, kik azok, és ami a legfontosabb: mi a céljuk?
- GRIN was founded by Bo and Ulf Andersson in 1997. And after the success of the game Ballistics, GRIN went forward in making the game Bandits: Phoenix Rising and several arcade machines. GRIN then went off to develop two famous games for Ubisoft; the Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 1 and 2 games. After the games' success, GRIN developed the games Bionic Commando, Wanted: Weapons of Fate, and Terminator Salvation.