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- Performer(s) Appeared in Reginald is the main antagonist in The Nuttiest Nutcracker. He's the son of the Mouse Queen who turned the Prince into a nutcracker.
- Kategoria:Strony do rozwinięciaReginald — to młody mężczyzna, mieszkający w Wodogrzmotach Małych. Pojawia się w wielu odcinkach jako postać trzecio-planowa. Pierwszą kwestie mówioną miał w odcinku "The Legend of the Gobblewonker".
- Reginald was a corrupt sergeant of Hillsfar's Red Plumes.
- Reginald is a minor citizen character featured in Scarface: The World Is Yours.
- Family Parents: Edmund and AliceBrother: BrunoSister: Sophie
- Reginald is Stephen's butler. He has been with Dr. Colbert for at least 30 years and currently aids him in his fight against crime. Due to the world-wide shortage of butlers and yacht crews, Dr. Colbert has offered Reginald for stud services. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
- Sir Reginald is a character in Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes.
- Reginald was a farmer from Westruun. As an NPC, Reginald was played by Matthew Mercer.
- Box titleNo Title Row 1 titleNo Title AgeNo information Row 2 title GenderNo information Row 3 title SpeciesNo information Row 4 title Blood TypeNo information Row 5 title Birth DateNo information Row 6 title HeightNo information Row 7 title WeightNo information Row 8 title BirthplaceNo information Row 9 title OccupationNo information Row 10 title EpithetNo information Row 11 title Reginald (レジナルド, Rejinarudo), also known by his epithet of the "Unchained Spirit" is a former member of Cipher Pol Zero, and currently serves as an Impel Down prisoner on the 6th Level.
- Reginald Sachie is a character in Digimon Charge.
- This is an instance quest, meaning you will face monsters in a plot event instead of randomly on the map. To start this quest you must have one of the following:
* Image:Red & White Lucky Peach.gif A Red & White Lucky Peach, from completing Ol' Colin's quests
* Image:Ticket.gif A Special Mission Ticket
- Reginald was the drummer for The Starlighters. He owned the Cadillac that the band used to get to the Enchantment Under the Sea dance. When he couldn't find his keys to open the trunk that Marty McFly was locked in, it was his third time he had left them in the trunk.
- The Reginald is a common, passive, herbivorous fauna species. Cooked and cured Reginald have the highest food value of any fauna, making them an excellent food source. They are also useful as Bioreactor fuel, showing one of the highest power per unit ratios in the game.
- Reginald (Also known as Reggie), is a minor character in Minecraft: Story Mode. He is the captain of the guard in Sky City.
- Reginald es uno de los 4 guardianes de la juventud que hizo su debut junto a los otros, en Pastel Gratis. El aparece también en el episodio "Skips Hace Chuza" como un antagonista. Su nombre fué revelado más tarde en el episodio El Primo Quips.
- Reginald smuggled himself into Step City when he was a teenager, intrigued by the prospect of a new city. He didn't really understand the purpose of the research district and didn't really care until V-Day. When the UG was headed by Greg Dorian and they became more of a nuisance, he took it upon himself to sabatoge them whenever he could. He was never ballsy enough to pull any of his stunts when Greg Dorian was around, but there was many a dance off and dance battle that he had a hand in ruining. In the Mafia's favour, of course.
- thumb|250px|Reginald und TinaReginald ist einer der Ritter in Ottokars Truppe. Er trägt einen roten Helmbusch. Er wirkt auf dem Mittelalterfest von Graf Falko von Falkenstein mit. Sein Gegner ist Diethelm. Bei ihren Kämpfen, bei denen jede Bewegung abgesprochen ist, gewinnt Reginald, dessen Lanzen im Gegensatz zu Diethelms heil bleiben. Als Ottokar versucht Tina zu überreden für die Truppe das Burgfräulein zu spielen unterstreicht Reginald seine Überredungsversuche, indem er ihr in entsprechend mittelalterlicher Wortwahl Komplimente macht. Alex wird daraufhin eifersüchtig und vertauscht die Lanzen. Außerdem lockt er Diethelm unter einem Vorwandt weg und nimmt selbst den Platz des zweiten Ritters ein. So gelingt es Alex Reginald beim Lanzenreiten aus dem Sattel zu heben, stürzt dabei jedoch
- Reginald is a character on the series WordGirl. He is the clerk and possible owner at Ye Olde Fancy Shmancy Jewelry Shoppe. He is extremely pompous and self-centered, and is a devout lover of all things fancy. He does not care for people if they are not rich or fancy, and dislikes little children (that don't act rich or snobby). He is also shown to dislike teenagers. He seems to dislike nearly anything that isnt fancy. In "A Thorn in the Sidekick" we see that he is allergic to barbecue sauce. In "A Questionable Pair", he seems to have a possible crush on Ms. Question, asking her out to lunch and crying when looking at photos WordGirl exposes her evil plan.