| - Ferdas Sankaran was a Human captain serving in the Imperial Navy of the Galactic Empire and later the Imperial Remnant. He was born on Rendili, a planet in the Core Worlds. Originally a member of the Commission for Preservation of the New Order, Ferdas was first viewed as a typical fanatic of Emperor Palpatine and the New Order, but later proved that theory wrong by displaying tactical skill in combat and earning fast promotions through the ranks. During the Galactic Civil War, Ferdas served aboard the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Avenger, and briefly aboard the Super Star Destroyer Executor. Shortly before the Battle of Endor, he was given command of the Devastator, an Allegiance-class battlecruiser. It took part in the battle at Endor as part of Admiral Firmus Piett's fleet, and destroyed several Rebel Navy ships, under guidance of Ferdas. As the battle ended in a defeat for the Empire, Ferdas joined the retreating fleet at Annaj. A staunch Imperial loyalist, Ferdas held the New Order in high regard. However, that loyalty eased after the death of the Emperor at Endor, and picked up again later briefly as he returned and formed the Dark Empire. After the final death of Palpatine, Ferdas joined the Imperial Remnant of Gilad Pellaeon in 12 ABY, becoming fiercely loyal to it. Ferdas did not change beliefs often, but when he did, he became very loyal and dedicated to it.