| - Arca (アルカ Aruka?) is a religious organization led by Mathias in Tales of Innocence.
- Automobile Racing Club of America (ARCA) is an auto racing organization in the United States. ARCA was founded in 1953 by John Marcum and is currently run under Ron Drager. The ARCA series races Stock cars similar to those run in NASCAR. ARCA not only has professional racing leagues but also has hobby leagues where people looking for just a little fun can race. Though NASCAR is known for being the originator in stock car racing, ARCA is just as popular as NASCAR is today.
- thumb|El modelo del ArcaEl Arca es una forma de vida Digital no Digimon que hace aparición en Digimon Tamers. Fue creada por la Pandilla Salvaje como medio de transporte para que los Tamers volvieran al mundo real. Luego es reprogramada, convirtiéndose en la base para la creación de una nueva forma de vida digital, Zero ARMS: Grani
- — Arca Arca (アルカ, Aruka) is the female protagonist from Summon Night 5. Her male counterpart is Folth.
- Chercher "arca" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- Arca was a small planet safely nestled in the center of the Outer Rim Territories. It had been a member of many powerful governments throughout its long and troubled history including the Taung Confederacy, the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire, and the Confederate Remnant. It had pleasant weather and rich, arable farming lands interwoven and fed by some of the largest rivers in the galaxy. Game hunting was common and plentiful, and towns and cities were patrolled by Arcan soldiers.
- A Arca, segundo Azinhal Abelho, é o cofre do Lar. Aqui se guarda todo o enxoval para serventia da casa e aquele que é para as ocasiões especiais. Tudo mimosamente passado a ferro e dobrado com o maior carinho, principalmente naqueles lares onde cada peça era um tesouro a estimar e com o qual se deviam ter os maiores cuidados. Normalmente, nas casas mais humildes, eram caixotões com tampa, pintados a zarcão, ou castanho. Os pés podiam ser fixos, ou móveis. O mobiliário mais barato que veio com a industrialização do mobiliário, relegou praticamente as Arcas para peças decorativas.