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- Címbalos soam no salão. O dia Foge, e ao compasso de arrabis serenos A valsa rompe, em compassados trenos Sobre os veludos da tapeçaria. Estatuetas de mármore de Lemnos Estão dispostas numa simetria Inconfundível, recordando a estria Dos corpos de Afrodite e Vênus. Fulgem por entre mil cristais vermelhos O alvo cristal dos nítidos espelhos E a seda verde dos arbustos glabros. E em meio ás refraç5es verdes e hialinas, Vibra, batendo em todas as retinas, A incandescência irial dos candelabros.
- Festivals are open at 8 AM and closed at 9 PM. During the closing time, Sims will not be able to enter enclosed buildings at the festival grounds, such as toilet stalls, or use certain objects like chairs. Sims who perform certain activities at the festivals will earn festival tickets which can be redeemed at the concession stands. Not all activities will reward Sims with festival tickets. Festival tickets are only rewarded if the activities are performed at the festival grounds. Only playable Sims can earn festival tickets, so when players try to select a different household, those Sims will not have any festival tickets in their inventory.
- Festival was a yo-yo manufacturer between the mid-1960's and early-1980's. Owned by Wilf Schlee, also the owner of Hi-Ker and Cheerio, the company made a wide range of wood, plastic and tin yo-yos. The Festival yo-yos are hightly sought after by collectors, with good samples fetching very high prices on eBay.
- Name: Festival Run Time: 5:53 Year: 1994
- The stage BGM is called "Twist & Scream".
- Turns Sawfish into a speaking window manager.
- The Festival also known as the SoroSuub Anniversary celebration, was a four-day holiday that was celebrated with a party every year (1,424 standard days) in planet Genarius and certain cities of other planets in the Cularin system.
- Musikfestivals sind in der Regel alljährlich wiederkehrende Musikveranstaltungen. Sie finden häufig über mehrere Tage und gelegentlich auch mit mehreren Bühnen statt. [[Bild:Bigdayout_crowd.jpg|thumb|400px|Festivalbesucher beim Big Day Out]] Es gibt Veranstalter, die sich darauf spezialisiert haben, solche Ereignisse (Events) vorzubereiten. Finden solche Festivals im Freien statt, werden sie auch als Freiluftkonzert bezeichnet.
- Festivals are the most important aspect of kami no michi, the religion of the fortunes.
- Festivals happen in Earth Eternal around every major holiday. The first festival was the Harvest Fest 2009, this happened on Thanksgiving 2009.
- Festival is a Search & Destroy and Spy Mode map sets in a festival site still in construction for the new year. This map also has a Christmas version with slight changes like a different skybox, etc.
- The festival grounds where Yuka and Kouta spent Kouta's final day in Kamakura hold great significance to the plot of Elfen Lied. Most notably, it is the site of Lucy's mental breakdown and subsequent second massacre. There is a high probability that the shrine where the festival takes place is the Tsurugaoka Hachimanguu Shrine, noted as being the most important Shinto shrine in the city. The festival is usually held for three days from August 7 to 9, making certain events take place during August 9th, the last day of the festival.
- Festival is the celebration of Bel Tine in the Two Rivers. In Emond's Field, most of the Festival takes place either on the Green or near the bonfires. There are footraces, and competitions in archery, quarterstaff, riddles, and many other categories. Some years there may even be fireworks.
- Su Beta III, il Festival era un breve periodo di perdita delle inibizioni e dell'ordine che aveva inizio allo scoccare dell'ora rossa. I cittadini di Beta III, solitamente pacifici, si lasciavano andare alla lussuria ed alla distruzione. Dodici ore planetarie più tardi, il Festival terminava, ed i cittadini riassumevano il loro caratteristico stato calmo e tranquillo, incosciente della distruzione tutt'attorno. (TOS: "Il ritorno degli Arconti")
- Naruto y Sakura asisten juntos al festival de Konoha, Naruto se alegra mucho de que Sakura haya ido con él pero ella lo calla diciendo que aceptó porque Naruto le dijo que no quería ir solo, Sakura se dirige a comer kayashi y Naruto la sigue, ella se emociona por las cosas que ve en el festival mientras Naruto va detrás de ella pagando por lo que Sakura consume.
- Story copied from the Wikisource. And the valleys are cold, And a midnight profound Blackly squats o'er the wold; But a light on the hilltops half-seen hints of feastings unhallowed and old. There is death in the clouds, There is fear in the night, For the dead in their shrouds Hail the sun's turning flight. And chant wild in the woods as they dance round a Yule-altar fungous and white. To no gale of Earth's kind Sways the forest of oak, Where the thick boughs entwined By mad mistletoes choke, For these pow'rs are the pow'rs of the dark, from the graves of the lost Druid-folk. And mayst thou to such deeds
- The Festival was a short period of anarchy and debauchery on the planet Beta III which began at the red hour. During the Festival, normally placid citizens of Beta III exploded into paroxysms of lust and destruction. Twelve planetary hours later, the Festival ended, and the people resumed their calm and tranquil state, oblivious to the chaos they had created. (TOS: "The Return of the Archons" )