| - This edifice was one of eight major sites in the realm which adventurers once quested to find, in search of power or at the behest of the numerous kings of the land. In particular, the Stranger would be sent to this location at the command of the lord of the Castle of Olympus of the Lands of the Dark Unknown. After the death of Mondain, and the sundering of Sosaria, this pillar, like many prominent landmarks, vanished with the passing of time. It is not known what became of it.
| - This edifice was one of eight major sites in the realm which adventurers once quested to find, in search of power or at the behest of the numerous kings of the land. In particular, the Stranger would be sent to this location at the command of the lord of the Castle of Olympus of the Lands of the Dark Unknown. The pedestal of the pillar read "My name is Ozymandias, / king of kings, / look at my works, / Ye mighty, and despair /Nothing beside remains." Those who approached this artifact would be overcome by strange magical forces, and would often leave much wiser and better capable of performing holy magics. After the death of Mondain, and the sundering of Sosaria, this pillar, like many prominent landmarks, vanished with the passing of time. It is not known what became of it.