| - Fafnir is "a fluffy, snow white cat" that "used to be a dragon." He may be the familiar of William Hobbes, and may have been transfigured by him.
- This page is meant for Supernova-specific information only. Please see the FFXIclopedia Fafnir page for any other type of information. DO NOT EDIT THIS PAGE.
- Fafnir is a figure in german and norse mythology.
- Fafnir (ファヴニール, Favunīru?) is an evil dragon featured in the Nibelungenlied, the Völsunga Saga, and the Der Ring des Nibelungen.
- Fafnir is a Tier 5 Epic Boss located in Grimhal Volcano.
- The Fafnir event was patched into the North American version of the game on August 15, 2013 and reactivated September 2015. On the European version, Fafnir is always active. Fafnir is a poisonous dragon, it is said that he hides a large amount of treasure through a portal. If he is defeated, that treasure can be taken.
- Fafnir is a minor character referenced in Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth and Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume. Fafnir is never encountered in any game but plays a role in Valkyrie Profile.
- Fafnir (ファフナー Fafunaa) is a Guardian in Soulcalibur Legends. It is the first dragon fought in the game, and Siegfried Schtauffen will end up fighting it three times by the end of the game. It attacks using its claws and its fire breath, and unlike other dragons in the game, it will fly around and attack simultaneously. Fafnir can be attacked using Leonardo's dragon-slaying devices.
- Tyrant - Fafnir is a prototype amphibic monster developed for underwater fieldwork.
- Fafnir was a European Dragon in the Norse Mythology. Fafnir was originally a dwarf, the son of Hriedmar and brother of Otir and Regin, but got transformed into a dragon by the ring Andvarenaut. Fafnir had stole a fortune given to the dwarves by the gods as a ransom for Otir's death, and the ring Andvarenaut was in the fortune. The ring then transformed him into a greedy dragon that guarded his treasure to his death. He later died at the hands of Sigurd Fåvnesbane. Sigurd, urged on by Regin, cooked Fafnir's heart and consumed it, giving him useful wisdom(such as the fact that Regin wished to murder him.
- Fafnir ist ein Nord in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
- Fafnir was a dwarf in Norse mythology, appearing specifically in the Volsunga Saga and Nibelungenlied. He was renowed for his fearlessness and great strength. He wore Aegishjalmr and guarded his father, King Hreidmar's, treasury, which was filled with gold and jewels. Hreidmar came into possession of Andvaranauts. Fafnir and his brother Regin killed their father to get the ring and all the gold, but Fafnir decided to take all the gold for himself. He turned into a dragon, a symbol for greed in Europe. Regin then sent Siegfried/Sigurd to kill Fafnir. Siegfried, wielding Balmung killed Fafnir and then killed Regin when he learned Regin planned to kill him once he brought all the gold back. Aegishjalmr, Hrotti, and Ridill were among the treasures in Fafnir's hoard.
- Fafnir is a former Kzin colony covered almost entirely in water. It has one continent, called Shasht. It was captured by humans during the Man-Kzin Wars. The family of Carlos Wu secretly moved to Fafnir from Earth. Upon reaching Fafnir, Feather Filip shot Beowulf Shaeffer in the chest with an ARM punchgun, but Carlos managed to escape with Tanya and Louis and Sharrol Janss killed Feather by cutting her throat, then decapitating her. Sharrol then placed Bey's head in Carlos's nanotechnology-based AutoDoc where it reconstructed his body, sizing it to the Intensive Care Cavity of the autodoc, which was tailored to Carlos's body proportions. Eventually, Beowulf recovered, was reunited with Sharrol, and had two more children with her, Jeena and an unnamed second child.
- Fafnir est un jeune dragon, « mascotte » des Wizards of Mickey dans la série du Cycle des magiciens, où Donald est son maître.
- Fafnir es un asesino nórdico y un miembro de la Hermandad Oscura durante los sucesos de The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
- He gives the Hero instructions upon arriving outside of Summitmist Manor. In short, he says after entering, he will lock the door and no one will come in or out until all of the guests have been "taken care of." After entering the manor, he is never seen again. It is likely that Fafnir is a member at a different Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary at some other location in Cyrodiil or abroad as he states that he and the Hero "share the same Mother."
- Fafnir is one of the Five Great Dragon Kings. He is the Golden Dragon known as the Gigantis Dragon.
- Fafnir was an Akurian from the planet Akuria II. He was apparently second in command to Colonel Odan after the capture of the majority of Odan's forces during an attack on his War Sled.
- In Norse mythology, Fafnir was the son of the dwarf king Hreidmar and the brother of Regin and Ótr. After Ótr was killed by Loki, Hreidmar received the cursed gold of the dwarf Andvari's as repayment for the loss of his son. Fafnir and Regin then killed their father to get the gold, but Fafnir decided he wanted it all, becoming a dragon (symbol of greed). Regin then sent his foster-son, Sigurd, to kill the dragon. Sigurd succeeded by digging a pit under the trail Fáfnir used to walk to a stream and plunging his sword Gram into his heart as he walked past. Regin, however, corrupted by the curse on Andvari's gold, planned to kill Sigurd to take the treasure for himself, but Sigurd, having eaten part of Fafnir's cooked heart, was warned by birds of Regin's attack and ended up killing him.
- In the Icelandic Volsunga Saga (late 13th century), Fáfnir was a dwarf gifted with a powerful arm and fearless soul. He guarded his father's house of glittering gold and flashing gems. He was the strongest and most aggressive of the three brothers. Some versions are more specific about Fáfnir's treasure hoard, mentioning the swords Ridill and Hrotti, the helm of terror and a golden coat of chainmail.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ <default>Fafnir</default> File:Image needed.jpg Species Level Range Drops Base ID XX533A20(XX must be replaced with the number LEGACY OF THE DRAGONBORN has in your load order) Joins the explorers guild after the 'Excavation of Windcaller Pass'.
- Fafnir was a male Akurian from the ice planet of Akuria II. He was born to the chief of one of 12 tribes that were on Akuria in 71 BBY. He rose up to eventually become the next chief, and was on the planet's tribal council. Fafnir then became the high chief, or head of council. As the planetary ruler, he led the planet from 52 BBY to 46 ABY. He sided with the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars and defended his planet from an invasion by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Later, Fafnir was forced to have his people be slaves of the Galactic Empire, after they informed him that they saved his planet from an Alliance to Restore the Republic terrorist attack. That was why Fafnir and the Akurian government remained loyal to Grand Admiral Thrawn's Confederacy and later the Imperial Rem
- <default>Fafnir</default> BildWiki.png Titel Herkunft Zugehörigkeit Familie Werk Fafnir (auch Fafner oder Fagnir, dt. der Umarmer, der Greif) war der Sohn des Zwergenkönigs (nach anderen Quellen Riesen) Hreidmar. Seine Brüder waren Otr und Regin. Fafnir verwandelte sich in einen Lindwurm (wobei das Wort Lindwurm früher für jeden Drachen verwendet wurde, es könnte sich auch um einen europäischen Drachen oder eine andere Art handeln) und trug den Oegishjalmr (Schreckenshelm), um noch grausamer auszusehen, und er begann wie ein echter Drache, seinen Schatz zu bewachen.
- Fafnir is the a villain from the Marvel universe and is based on the mythical creature of the same name. Fafnir was once the King of Nastrond, an extradimensional realm on the continent of Asgard. As Fafnir and his people were thoroughly evil, the ruler of Asgard, Odin, destroyed the kingdom and all of Fafnir's subjects. Fafnir himself was left to die in the ruined wasteland that was his former kingdom. Fafnir, however, found a pool with magical properties, and while drinking from the pool sustained Fafnir, it also transformed him into a massive dragon. Fafnir now possessed strength on par with the Thunder God Thor; a devastating flame breath; the ability to cast illusions and control weak-minded individuals. Fafnir was now almost invulnerable, as his dragon hide was so dense that he barel
- Fafnir is a character that appears in the Johan and Peewit episode "The Cursed Country". He is a dragon that is being used and controlled by a man named Monulf, capturing people he can use to mine diamonds from a cave that he can sell for profit. It also appears in the intro sequence of season 2. In the intro, it blows fire to Sir Johan and Peewit. Fafnir was originally known as Chamusquina in the Johan And Peewit comic book story "The Cursed Land".