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- # Mormons shouldn't get away that easy. If we just want one category for Mormons, I'd suggest this name instead of the plain "Mormons". Or keep them both, why not, it doesn't hurt anything and Mormons are also practicing in other countries, so the America specific category is a subcat. Aleister 00:25 10 10
#:We ought not crack wise with the navigation tools, not be so anxious to show off our sense of humor that the reader can't find what he's looking for. SPIKE/signature(00:35 10-Oct-10)
# After reading all of the comments I think it's funny enough to stand on it's own merit. Happytimes/sig 11 Oct 2010 ~ 05:55
- # It is a joke about Barack Obama HAVING a birth certificate. It's also a category with a bunch of typical "I don't like this guy's politics, lets call him a poopy-head" names thrown in erroneously. -- Recommend limiting it to B.O. & those who were born prior to birth certificates being issued. Happytimes/sig 11 Oct 2010 ~ 06:01
#:And we tell the joke, in Barack Obama's birth. What is gained by slapping this category on random pages? SPIKE/signature(10:02 11-Oct-10)
- # I like it... although this garage could use a little purging. Which I may or may not be bothered to do. Lyrithya/sig/6 -- 20101012 - 23:59
# Yeah, a little purging but many of the items make sense. I'll add my Garage Sale page, which would directly fit. And, of course, Lyrithya wants it saved, and I do her bidding as well as do anything I do on this site just to make her happy. She's demanding though, and that worries me, as I, a sockpuppet, fear for my own main user who has to run quite a few of us now. Aleister 2:03 13 10
#:Er... (Aleister, see me in my office after class.) Lyrithya/sig/6 -- 20101013 - 02:12
# Happytimes/sig 14 Oct 2010 ~ 05:18
- # The page satires the fact that the Mars Climate Orbiter was lost on landing because some tech moron contractor keyed in American numbers instead of metrics for a key computer operation--or the opposite, I'm not sure, or something--and nobody caught it. One of the biggest mistakes in space exploration history. Reads more like an UnNews, but since UnNews wasn't around at the time this probably had to do. Tis the backstory. (Lyrithya, I thought we talked about this during our pillow talk last night?) Aleister 11:43 14 10
# Al and I have piled on. Needs one more photo. SPIKE/signature(12:21 14-Oct-10)
- # If you got rid of the quotes, the lists, and the entire trite section about judging people by their skin color, this could stay. SPIKE/signature(18:35 10-Oct-10)
#:Upgrade to Keep. I've fixed the typoes, deflated the gassy writing, and partially softened the racial generalizations. SPIKE/signature(11:34 16-Oct-10)
#Keep. It looks savable, and someone might be bothered. I'm not helping, though. Lyrithya/sig/6 -- 20101010 - 18:39
# Did an edit sweep although it's far from done, added a bit although it's far from done, and added no pics. There is no VFD tag on it though, so I guess it should go on and the clock should be restarted, which I don't know how to do, the clock part that is. Aleister 00:40 10 10
::p.s. VFD tag went up a few minutes after I wrote the above. Can someone who knows how restart the clock from that point? Thanks.
- # I.P. Anon here has a winning concept: Given the popularity of Linux, there must be a Mister Linux somewhere in our history whose story to tell. And he is also smart enough to see that such a story won't get you far in this article; you will need to turn a mean phrase. He doesn't do it quite right, and walked away in 2006 from a stubby, photo-free article. I'll do a copy edit, but--this article being set in the 1600s--I need to tug it in some new, historically accurate directions, as well as to feed it pix. SPIKE/signature(10:12 11-Oct-10)
#:Romartus didn't think he was the man for this page, but he is attacking it with a vengeance! It already towers above VFD-readiness. SPIKE/signature(15:47 12-Oct-10)
# Because you seem to be trying. (Though I should probably stop using VFD for let's see if SPIKE will clean up this article experiments...) Lyrithya/sig/6 -- 20101013 - 00:18
#:Again, Romartus gets the Save on this one--I cleaned up the old stuff but he breathed new life into it. SPIKE/signature(01:57 13-Oct-10)
#::Okay, I'll run a let's see if Romartus cleans up this article experiment next. Although you got him to. Well done. Lyrithya/sig/6 -- 20101013 - 02:16
- # I like the Nostalgia Critic! Yes, I know he was blatantly offensive at some points , but still, he's a pretty funny guy.
#:Stipulated. The article, however, is not. SPIKE/signature(18:21 13-Oct-10)