| - Orzo (Ordeo vulgar) es un grano sereal anial de es usada como un comeda major per bestas, e, en cuantias plu poca, per bir e pan. El es un membro de la familia Poal ("erbas vera"). Orzo es la colieda de sereal cuatro en grandia en la mundo. El desende de orzo savaje (Ordeo spontaneo). La plu vea caso de doma es en areas neolitica en Asia sude-ueste (pe Suria). El es tan vea como trigo ungrano e faro.
- Orzo è un Cereale.
- Orzo (Italian: "barley", from Latin hordeum), also known as risoni (It.: "big rice") outside the Western Hemisphere, is a form of pasta, in the shape of a large grain of rice, slightly smaller than a pine nut. It is frequently served with a ragù, used in soup, or baked in a casserole. While it was originally made from barley, orzo today is a hard wheat semolina product. It is also found as kritharaki ("little barley") and manestra in Greek cuisine and sehriye in Turkish cooking. Orzo is sometimes mistakenly referred to as "Italian rice".
- Wikipedia Article About Orzo on Wikipedia Orzo (from Latin hordeum) is Italian and means "barley", but in common usage in the United States, orzo is understood to mean rice-shaped pasta, slightly smaller than a pine nut. It is frequently used in soups. Orzo (from Latin hordeum) is Italian and means "barley", but in common usage in the United States, orzo is understood to mean rice-shaped pasta, slightly smaller than a pine nut. It is frequently used in soups.
| - Wikipedia Article About Orzo on Wikipedia Orzo (from Latin hordeum) is Italian and means "barley", but in common usage in the United States, orzo is understood to mean rice-shaped pasta, slightly smaller than a pine nut. It is frequently used in soups. "Orzo" is also the name of a hot drink made from roasted barley in some parts of the world. In Italy, for instance, a "caffé d'orzo" is an espresso style drink made from ground roasted barley. When prepared from the roasted barley directly, it can be made in many standard espresso or coffee makers. Although traditionally considered a coffee substitute for children, it is an increasingly common choice in Italy and other places for those who choose to eschew coffee for health reasons. In the United States, instant roasted barley drinks are sold under the name of "Postum", "Pero", and others, including varieties of "café de cebada" in Latin American markets. Orzo (from Latin hordeum) is Italian and means "barley", but in common usage in the United States, orzo is understood to mean rice-shaped pasta, slightly smaller than a pine nut. It is frequently used in soups. "Orzo" is also the name of a hot drink made from roasted barley in some parts of the world. In Italy, for instance, a "caffé d'orzo" is an espresso style drink made from ground roasted barley. When prepared from the roasted barley directly, it can be made in many standard espresso or coffee makers. Although traditionally considered a coffee substitute for children, it is an increasingly common choice in Italy and other places for those who choose to eschew coffee for health reasons. In the United States, instant roasted barley drinks are sold under the name of "Postum", "Pero", and others, including varieties of "café de cebada" in Latin American markets.
- Orzo (Ordeo vulgar) es un grano sereal anial de es usada como un comeda major per bestas, e, en cuantias plu poca, per bir e pan. El es un membro de la familia Poal ("erbas vera"). Orzo es la colieda de sereal cuatro en grandia en la mundo. El desende de orzo savaje (Ordeo spontaneo). La plu vea caso de doma es en areas neolitica en Asia sude-ueste (pe Suria). El es tan vea como trigo ungrano e faro.
- Orzo è un Cereale.
- Orzo (Italian: "barley", from Latin hordeum), also known as risoni (It.: "big rice") outside the Western Hemisphere, is a form of pasta, in the shape of a large grain of rice, slightly smaller than a pine nut. It is frequently served with a ragù, used in soup, or baked in a casserole. While it was originally made from barley, orzo today is a hard wheat semolina product. It is also found as kritharaki ("little barley") and manestra in Greek cuisine and sehriye in Turkish cooking. Orzo is sometimes mistakenly referred to as "Italian rice".