| - The Doctor and Sarah Jane return from dinner at Medieval Times to find London deserted except for small bands of looters, under martial law, because that's what happens when Labour abandons its socialist principles and joins a coalition with the Liberal Party. Also, pterodactyls. So, instead of being arrested by UNIT for sneaking onto their base with forged credentials, SJ gets arrested by UNIT for violating curfew and probably being a looter. She and the Doctor escape and get recaptured again within only half an episode, but they escape again when a T-Rex (not the glam rock band) attacks.
| - The Doctor and Sarah Jane return from dinner at Medieval Times to find London deserted except for small bands of looters, under martial law, because that's what happens when Labour abandons its socialist principles and joins a coalition with the Liberal Party. Also, pterodactyls. So, instead of being arrested by UNIT for sneaking onto their base with forged credentials, SJ gets arrested by UNIT for violating curfew and probably being a looter. She and the Doctor escape and get recaptured again within only half an episode, but they escape again when a T-Rex (not the glam rock band) attacks. Meanwhile, Eddy's in the time stream, so a peasant transplanted in time from 1983's The King's Demons appears and attacks the Doctor with a knife for being a witch, but the Brig shows up and saves him. Also, time is running forward and backward so nobody remembers what they see and all eras of time happen at once but for some reason Churchill doesn't ride by on a mammoth. The Doctor suspects someone is deliberately bringing dinosaurs to London, and then we see that someone is deliberately bringing dinosaurs to London, and that somebody is two mad scientists, an ecologist MP, the general in charge of London, and Mike Yates, who's turned traitor because pollution causes giant maggots. Yates thinks the Doctor will work with them, because he foolishly thinks all left-wing movements are the same, but he can't convince his partners, who know better, so they try to first sabotage the Doctor's efforts and then frame him. There are a few more T-rex attack cliffhangers, and more captures and escapes, and more Yates secretly sabotaging UNIT from inside like a 1970s Turlough. Eventually Sarah Jane is shanghaied and we learn the bad guys' plot: They've taken a bunch of celebrities and put them on spaceships to go populate New Earth, but actually they're going to erase humanity from history and then release the celebrities to repopulate the original Earth. Why celebrities? I don't know. But it turns out that trying to reprogram Sarah Jane to help repopulate the Earth—which would, admittedly, seem like a good plan to any heterosexual male—was a bad idea, because she convinces the celebrities that they're not actually on a spaceship and they break out. Meanwhile, the Doctor has figured out that Yates is up to something fishy, so Yates holds all of UNIT at gunpoint and reveals the plot again. Then Benton takes him down. The Doctor foils the plan by reversing the polarity so when the bad guys flip the switch it'll undo everything they did and send them back to the dinosaur era, where they can't repopulate the Earth because they forgot to have any women in their conspiracy. The Brig puts Yates on "permanent sick leave" instead of court-martialing him, which causes him to turn gay and Buddhist. The Doctor gives a speech about how ecofanatics have a good heart but these ones accidentally endangered all of human civilisation with their plan to intentionally eradicate all of human civilisation. London is a mess, with large numbers of dead people, and the government's probably going to collapse, but, whatever, good enough ending for the Doctor, so he offers to take Sarah Jane on a holiday.