| - Vincent "Vinnie" Gognitti (unknown - 2003) is a major member of the New York City-based Punchinello crime family, acting as a capo in 2001, and an underboss in 2003. Much of his early life is unknown, other than the fact that he is a big fan of The Adventures of Captain BaseBallBat-Boy series. At some point, he joined the Punchinellos, becoming a capo for the family by 2001-2002. He serves as Jack Lupino's right-hand man, helping him to run out his drug dealing business, as well serving as an acting-boss, due to Lupino's mental status.
| - Vincent "Vinnie" Gognitti (unknown - 2003) is a major member of the New York City-based Punchinello crime family, acting as a capo in 2001, and an underboss in 2003. Much of his early life is unknown, other than the fact that he is a big fan of The Adventures of Captain BaseBallBat-Boy series. At some point, he joined the Punchinellos, becoming a capo for the family by 2001-2002. He serves as Jack Lupino's right-hand man, helping him to run out his drug dealing business, as well serving as an acting-boss, due to Lupino's mental status. In 2001, He is chased by the NYPD detective Max Payne, who set off a revenge quest, believing Lupino was behind his family's death. Gognitti is seriously injured by the detective and flees from his apartment, letting his men to deal with Max, who chases him down on the rooftops. He is eventually caught by Max and, after being beaten up a bit and threatened with death, he tells the detective about Lupino's whereabouts. After 2001, he becomes the underboss of the crime family, and begins a gang war against the Russian Mob and its leader, Vladimir Lem, his mortal enemy. Gognitti and his men attack Vodka, Lem's restaurant, vowing to finish off the Russian mobster, but fails due to Max's involvement, leading him to escape the scene. He is believed by Max Payne to be the main person behind a group of hitmen known as the Squeaky Cleaning Company, but it is revealed to be false, and Lem being the real mastermind. Due to his reckless ways, Vinnie loses his boss's support, leaving him with no men, no weapons, and no protection. Gognitti finally finds himself at a trap set off by Lem, inside a Captain BaseBallBat-Boy suit wired with a bomb, a 'Trojan Horse' that ironically uses Gognitti's affection to the franchise. Max and Gognitti become briefly allies, being both tricked by the Russian, and Max sets to help Gognitti to deactivate the bomb. The two are caught by Lem at a funhouse, who activates the bomb inside the suit, killing Gognitti.