| - The is the leader of Arashigakure. Generally acknowledged as the strongest in the village, renown plays a large part in being chosen for the position.
- The clan has many members, on the sides of both GI Joe and Cobra, and some are neutral in the conflict. A partial list follows.
* Ashiko - Arashikage ninja and a professional motorcycle stunt rider
* Budo - samurai combat instructor and new recruit to Arashikage
* Dojo, trained by the Soft Master
* Firefly, aka Faceless Master
* Middle Master - The brother of the Soft and Hard Master, known as Nakunatta by Storm Shadow, or "to become nothing".
* Nameless Master - Russian student of the Middle Master
* Nunchuk, who studied under the Blind Master and Storm Shadow
* Pale Peony - half-Russian former pupil of Storm Shadow's
* Red Ninja - offshoot claiming to be the true clan
* Snake-Eyes, AKA The Silent Master
* Storm Shadow, AKA The Young Master
| - The is the leader of Arashigakure. Generally acknowledged as the strongest in the village, renown plays a large part in being chosen for the position.
- The clan has many members, on the sides of both GI Joe and Cobra, and some are neutral in the conflict. A partial list follows.
* Ashiko - Arashikage ninja and a professional motorcycle stunt rider
* Budo - samurai combat instructor and new recruit to Arashikage
* Dojo, trained by the Soft Master
* Firefly, aka Faceless Master
* Middle Master - The brother of the Soft and Hard Master, known as Nakunatta by Storm Shadow, or "to become nothing".
* Nameless Master - Russian student of the Middle Master
* Nunchuk, who studied under the Blind Master and Storm Shadow
* Pale Peony - half-Russian former pupil of Storm Shadow's
* Red Ninja - offshoot claiming to be the true clan
* Snake-Eyes, AKA The Silent Master
* Storm Shadow, AKA The Young Master
* Jinx, a full member, one of the only two living members to share the clan name. Studied under the Hard Master, the Soft Master, The Blind Master, the Young Master and the Silent Master.
* Shadow Strike - Another Storm Shadow's pupil, A Cobra infiltrated agent with the mission to "corrupt" the clan from within.
* T'Gin-Zu - swordsman
* T'Jbang - swordsman
* Slice - renegade ninja from the Arashikage clan
* Kamakura, who studied under Snake-Eyes
* Tiger Claw - Taught by martial arts master Snake-Eye
* William, Cobra Commander's son, who studied with Jinx and Storm Shadow
* Hard Master
* Soft Master
* Blind Master
* Obake-Obaason - The wife of the Hard Master.
* Junko Akita - Storm Shadow's apprentice and lover.
* Ophelia - Snake Eyes' pupil.