| - An extremely old and geologically stable world, much like Chulak or Earth, it is unknown why the Ancients chose to place a Stargate on Aegis and all evidence of their being on the planet—if indeed they spent any time on it—was long since gone by the time the Tau'ri constructed Stargate Command. The Stargate itself was located in a hospitable region of the planet, which had steep mountains and wide plains that led down to a nearby freshwater sea. Though these mountains were capped in snow all year round, the coastal region had only mild winters where the temperature only ever reached near freezing. In addition to this, the summers were long and hot, with temperatures sometimes approaching one hundred degrees Fahrenheit.
| - An extremely old and geologically stable world, much like Chulak or Earth, it is unknown why the Ancients chose to place a Stargate on Aegis and all evidence of their being on the planet—if indeed they spent any time on it—was long since gone by the time the Tau'ri constructed Stargate Command. The Stargate itself was located in a hospitable region of the planet, which had steep mountains and wide plains that led down to a nearby freshwater sea. Though these mountains were capped in snow all year round, the coastal region had only mild winters where the temperature only ever reached near freezing. In addition to this, the summers were long and hot, with temperatures sometimes approaching one hundred degrees Fahrenheit. The planet held several native lifeforms, including the herbivorous musi which was analogous to the cows of Earth and the predatory skark, an animal which resembled a giant bat and was capable of flight. In addition to these lifeforms, there was also the kraken, a massive photosynthetic motile plant which lived in the seas of the planet which was chiefly responsible for the breathable oxygen on Aegis. Though the kraken was harmless to Humans, it entered into the mythos of future populations who believed it to be a giant tentacled sea beast which was attracted to any shadows which moved across the surface of the water. While there was little truth to this myth, the kraken was likely to inadvertently wreck any ships which came near it.