| - Kul Tiras Corsairs is a "pure" role-playing guild, founded in December 2006. Its roots can be found in The Wild Rose Society, and before that in The Peoples' Militia. The Kul Tiras Corsairs are a unit in the Kul Tiras Navy, sailing on the White Maiden, currently docked in Menethil. We accept all kinds of people, as long as they have a high standard of roleplaying and are nice. To join, you must have an In-Character reason to join the Corsairs. If this has not put you off, then get in contact with us, and apply. We can heartily say that being in the Corsairs is fun!
| - Kul Tiras Corsairs is a "pure" role-playing guild, founded in December 2006. Its roots can be found in The Wild Rose Society, and before that in The Peoples' Militia. The Kul Tiras Corsairs are a unit in the Kul Tiras Navy, sailing on the White Maiden, currently docked in Menethil. We accept all kinds of people, as long as they have a high standard of roleplaying and are nice. To join, you must have an In-Character reason to join the Corsairs. The Corsairs only seeks people who have a mature outlook and are enjoyable company. Being "in character" is mandatory (though officer & party chat is OOC) - and those who are able to tell the difference between "you" and "u" will be particularly welcome (actually do not expect to get past the interview if you use "u"). We are not a large guild, nor do we want to become a large guild. Quality is more important to us than quantity. Generally we have between four to ten online at once, though during events and meetings, more even, less during off-times. As a member of the Corsairs, you may spend your time as you wish, questing, instancing or only roleplaying - whatever floats your boat. We do expect you to roleplay with the guild also. The guild generally spends its time together mostly in Stormwind City, Menethil Harbour, or wherever the action is. Our "base" is located on the empty ship (The White Maiden), in Menethil Harbour, opposite the one leaving for Auberdine, though we spend most of our time in Stormwind. We also intend to hold frequent Roleplaying events, and have done so so far, everything from sailing on the seas to drinking competitions to parties and balls. If this has not put you off, then get in contact with us, and apply. We can heartily say that being in the Corsairs is fun!