| - Collinwood was the primary residence of the Collins family in the year 1970 in the mysterious world of Parallel Time. It was located on Widows' Hill in the Collinsport, Maine that existed in this alternate time band. The mansion was almost physically identical to its counterpart in the mainstream timeline, but with its east wing open and in full use (981). Collinwood was temporarily haunted by the ghost of Dameon Edwards, a former friend of the family (994), until Angelique Stokes Collins, returned from the dead, banished Dameon's spirit back to his grave (1006).
| - Collinwood was the primary residence of the Collins family in the year 1970 in the mysterious world of Parallel Time. It was located on Widows' Hill in the Collinsport, Maine that existed in this alternate time band. The mansion was almost physically identical to its counterpart in the mainstream timeline, but with its east wing open and in full use (981). Quentin Collins was the Master of Collinwood in this timeline, and the first Matriarch of Collinwood was Angelique Stokes Collins, who he was married to until she was murdered during a seance in September of 1969. Most residents of the estate were infatuated with her, even long after her death. Maggie Evans Collins moved into Collinwood six months later as Quentin's new wife and took over the title (981). Julia Hoffman was the head of the housekeeping staff, and ensured the smooth running of household activities (981). Unlike the Collinwood of the mainstream timeline, this Collinwood was tended by a staff of chambermaids (982) and a cook (983), although they kept the family tradition of the invisible servant alive. Mr. Trask also served as the butler, a position that never existed in the main timeline (994). Collinwood was temporarily haunted by the ghost of Dameon Edwards, a former friend of the family (994), until Angelique Stokes Collins, returned from the dead, banished Dameon's spirit back to his grave (1006). The Collinwood estate contained the original family home, renamed "Loomis House" by Carolyn Stoddard Loomis and her husband William Loomis (981), as well as a caretaker's cottage, in which musician Bruno Hess lived (986). Amy Collins mentioned having visited a greenhouse on the estate, where she picked flowers for Maggie Collins (984). This parallel version of Collinwood was destroyed in August of 1970 when Timothy Stokes set the entire house on fire in an act of revenge (1060, 1061).