Rose Tyler ist eine Begleiterin des Neunten und Zehnten Doctors. In folgenden Episoden hatte sie Auftritte:
* Rose
* The End of the World
* The Unquiet Dead
* Aliens of London
* World War Three
* Dalek
* The Long Game
* Father's Day
* The Empty Child
* The Doctor Dances
* Boom Town
* Bad Wolf
* The Parting of the Ways
* Children in Need Special
* The Christmas Invasion
* New Earth
* Tooth and Claw
* School Reunion
* The Girl in the Fireplace
* Rise of the Cybermen
* The Age of Steel
* The Idiot's Lantern
* The Impossible Planet
* The Satan Pit
* Love & Monsters
* Fear Her
* Army of Ghosts
* Doomsday
* The Runaway Bride (flashback, Archivmaterial)
* Human Nature (Illustr
Rose Tyler ist eine Begleiterin des Neunten und Zehnten Doctors. In folgenden Episoden hatte sie Auftritte:
* Rose
* The End of the World
* The Unquiet Dead
* Aliens of London
* World War Three
* Dalek
* The Long Game
* Father's Day
* The Empty Child
* The Doctor Dances
* Boom Town
* Bad Wolf
* The Parting of the Ways
* Children in Need Special
* The Christmas Invasion
* New Earth
* Tooth and Claw
* School Reunion
* The Girl in the Fireplace
* Rise of the Cybermen
* The Age of Steel
* The Idiot's Lantern
* The Impossible Planet
* The Satan Pit
* Love & Monsters
* Fear Her
* Army of Ghosts
* Doomsday
* The Runaway Bride (flashback, Archivmaterial)
* Human Nature (Illustration)
* Utopia (flashback, Archivmaterial)
* Partners in Crime
* The Poison Sky
* Midnight
* Turn Left
* The Stolen Earth
* Journey's End
* The End of Time
* The Lodger (Archivmaterail)
* Let's Kill Hitler (als Hologram, Foto)