Duty Navigation multiplies the effectiveness of your ship's sailors, and allows memorization (or "memming") of ocean leagues. Also now it affects the types of spawns you get. As of the March 2007, better Duty Navigation performance will increase the likelihood of encountering spawns set in the voyage configuration.
Attributes | Values |
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- Navigation
- Navigation
- Navigation
- Navigation
- Navigation
- Navigation
| - Duty Navigation multiplies the effectiveness of your ship's sailors, and allows memorization (or "memming") of ocean leagues. Also now it affects the types of spawns you get. As of the March 2007, better Duty Navigation performance will increase the likelihood of encountering spawns set in the voyage configuration.
- Navigation is a secondary skill in Heroes II, Heroes III, and Heroes V.
- This feature has been removed from the game. Navigation was a category of skills. It included airborne vehicle navigation, ground vehicle navigation, water vehicle navigation, and map navigation. The 18.7 patch removed the navigation category. It placed vehicle airborne, vehicle ground, and vehicle water into a new exploring category, and map navigation into a new disabled / legacy category.
- Navigation is the process of moving between websites and moving from page to page within a website. Navigation can be aided by the use of search engines, hyperlinks, and other aids.
- Navigation is a song from the tenth season about engines learning their routes and knowing all the signals and stations. A second music video was later made using CGI footage as part of Thomas' YouTube World Tour on 1 April 2015.
- These items have the Navigation ability :
- Amanda - Your Ford Escape is equipped with a navigation system... You should use the Points of Interests on the system to help you along your way!
- Navigation is a fairly early technology in Civilization games but a promotion in Civilization IV.
- Navigation is an activity that helps leading an organism to a biologically useful goal. It requires information processing. Typical circuits enabling navigation, thus forming the basis of homeostasis and cybernesis are:
* Feedback
* Feedback control systems
* ASIA elements
* Feedforward control
* Antagonistic redundancy
* Lateral inhibition
* Reafference principle
* Neural networks
- World of Warcraft(ワールド オブ ウォークラフト)はディアブロを開発した米Blizzard Entertainment社が開発し、運営しているオンラインゲームである。同社が開発販売しているウォークラフトシリーズの世界観を受け継いだMMORPG。WindowsのほかMac OS Xでも動作する。グラフィックは3Dだが、要求スペックが低めに抑えられているのが特徴。通常は「WoW」と略記される。 2008年6月現在、全世界での有料アカウント数は約1000万人で、MMORPG史上最も成功した作品といわれている。[1]
- Please see the menus above for the main site navigation.
- Navigation is the science of locating the position and plotting the course of ships, aircraft, and spacecraft; in the last case, the term is sometimes referred to as astrogation. By the mid-23rd century, the Medeusans had developed interstellar navigation to a fine art. During this time, Hikaru Sulu was considered a specialist in space navigation and weapons. (TOS: "Is There in Truth No Beauty?" , "The Way to Eden" ) Lieutenant Commander T. Grodnick was an Instructor of Astrogation at Starfleet Academy in 2285. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
- Navigation är den vetenskapen om lokalisering av läget och rita kursen av skepp, flygplan och rymdskepp. Under 2005 efter striden, var Daedalus tillbaka till Jorden där det grundligt inspekteras och reparerades. På vägen tillbaka till Atlantis så blev ett datavirus aktiv under flera skepp system, som laddades upp av Wraith under skeppets sista möte. Dataviruset tog kontroll av Daedalus navigationsdator och styrde till en närliggande stjärna. Efter flera försök lyckades besättningen utplåna dataviruset i systemet efter full systemavstängning. (ATL: "The Intruder")
- Ainsi que nous l'avons déjà dit, la maniabilité du site est mise en valeur sur l'Histoire par l'image", facilitant son utilisation par les usagers. De la même manière que les différents modes de recherche sont développés, la navigation est complète et aisée à manipulée. La navigation principale, présente sur toutes les pages et à tous les niveaux de l'arborescence du site, se situe dans l'en-tête et permet un accès direct aux pages suivantes : Accueil, Nouveautés, Forum, Mon espace, Hors-série, et l'abonnement au Flux RSS.
- Menu window - Navigation When a viewer plays a DVD on their DVD player, they have the option to interactively navigate menus and other features by using the buttons on their DVD remote control. The navigation logic that the DVD player will respond to is setup during DVDaAuthoring with a tool like DVD-lab. Each menu button has four parameters to direct the player as to where to go when the user presses either the Up, Down, Left or Right keys. Note: Navigation is a property of a button, that is any object which has a link to movie, menu or chapter point. Objects without links are not navigable.
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Air Date
| - 2006-09-11(xsd:date)
- 2006-10-22(xsd:date)
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| - Duty Navigation multiplies the effectiveness of your ship's sailors, and allows memorization (or "memming") of ocean leagues. Also now it affects the types of spawns you get. As of the March 2007, better Duty Navigation performance will increase the likelihood of encountering spawns set in the voyage configuration.
- Ainsi que nous l'avons déjà dit, la maniabilité du site est mise en valeur sur l'Histoire par l'image", facilitant son utilisation par les usagers. De la même manière que les différents modes de recherche sont développés, la navigation est complète et aisée à manipulée. La navigation principale, présente sur toutes les pages et à tous les niveaux de l'arborescence du site, se situe dans l'en-tête et permet un accès direct aux pages suivantes : Accueil, Nouveautés, Forum, Mon espace, Hors-série, et l'abonnement au Flux RSS. On regrettera cependant que, figurant trop haut dans la page, la navigation principale ne soit pas assez visible et puisse être - si l'on n'y prend garde - assimilable à un fil d'Ariane. La navigation secondaire figure tout en bas de page et propose des liens vers : l'Accueil, le Plan du site, l'Aide, les Mentions légales, les Liens (vers différentes institutions culturelles, l'éducation nationale et quelques sites de contenu similaire à l'Histoire par l'image"), le Livre d'or et un moyen de contacter (par mail ou formulaire) un responsable du site. La navigation contextuelle se situe au niveau des articles et comporte plusieurs modalité : En haut du texte et s'il s'agit d'une étude comparative d'oeuvres, la sélection de ces dernières se fait en cliquant sur les images en dimension réduite. Des onglets permettent d'avancer dans les trois parties du développement (déjà évoquées dans l'architecture d'une étude) : le Contexte historique, l'Analyse de l'image et l'Interprétation. De plus, un menu situé sur la gauche de l'écran mène aux trois mêmes pages ainsi qu'au bas du texte, là où figure la Bibliographie et les Mots-clés. Les trois derniers boutons sont destinés à l'impression, à l'ajout de l'article à un album, et au retour à la liste des résultats. Etrangement, alors qu'on aurait pu s'y attendre étant donné le développement de la navigation et les efforts mis en oeuvres pour aider l'utilisateur à se repérer, il n'y a pas de fil d'Ariane. Ce mode de navigation a probablement été jugé obsolète étant donné toutes les facilités déployées dans le site et sa relative simplicité (on notera que l'arborescence - c'est-à-dire la "profondeur" du site - n'a que trois niveaux). La navigation locale, enfin, se trouve au plus haut de la page et facilite les déplacements à l'intérieur de celle-ci. On y trouve des renvois vers le Contenu, le Menu (c'est-à-dire les éléments de navigation principale), le Menu de bas de page (à savoir la navigation secondaire), et vers la fenêtre d'Aide et accessibilité. Les facilités de déplacement à l'intérieur de la page et du site met rapidement à l'aise toute personne le visitant pour la première fois ou toute personne non habituée à manipuler Internet.
- Navigation is a secondary skill in Heroes II, Heroes III, and Heroes V.
- Navigation is the science of locating the position and plotting the course of ships, aircraft, and spacecraft; in the last case, the term is sometimes referred to as astrogation. By the mid-23rd century, the Medeusans had developed interstellar navigation to a fine art. During this time, Hikaru Sulu was considered a specialist in space navigation and weapons. (TOS: "Is There in Truth No Beauty?" , "The Way to Eden" ) It was also at this time that the Federation maintained an automatic communications and astrogation station on the uninhabited planetoid of Gamma II. (TOS: "The Gamesters of Triskelion" ) Lieutenant Commander T. Grodnick was an Instructor of Astrogation at Starfleet Academy in 2285. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
- This feature has been removed from the game. Navigation was a category of skills. It included airborne vehicle navigation, ground vehicle navigation, water vehicle navigation, and map navigation. The 18.7 patch removed the navigation category. It placed vehicle airborne, vehicle ground, and vehicle water into a new exploring category, and map navigation into a new disabled / legacy category.
- Navigation is the process of moving between websites and moving from page to page within a website. Navigation can be aided by the use of search engines, hyperlinks, and other aids.
- Navigation is a song from the tenth season about engines learning their routes and knowing all the signals and stations. A second music video was later made using CGI footage as part of Thomas' YouTube World Tour on 1 April 2015.
- These items have the Navigation ability :
- Menu window - Navigation When a viewer plays a DVD on their DVD player, they have the option to interactively navigate menus and other features by using the buttons on their DVD remote control. The navigation logic that the DVD player will respond to is setup during DVDaAuthoring with a tool like DVD-lab. Each menu button has four parameters to direct the player as to where to go when the user presses either the Up, Down, Left or Right keys. Note: Navigation is a property of a button, that is any object which has a link to movie, menu or chapter point. Objects without links are not navigable. Show Links. At the top of the Menu window is a small yellow square that represents "Show Navigation Links" Clicking the down arrow at the right of this button will offer the below pull-down menu to control which links to display (or hide). Display of the navigation links is disabled by default. Links can be displayed or hidden as needed during the Menu design stage. Here we selected "Show from Selected Object". Whenever you select an object, its links to other buttons will be shown by arrowheaded lines. Here we see that when the user has button 1 selected and then presses the down key, the selection will go to button 4. If they press the right key, the selection will go to button 2. You may try other settings to show all links or only links in a certain direction. Link Color The down button may not always point down, so each direction has its own color and you can visually recognize visually the link by it's associated color: Up is Red, Down is Green, Left is Blue, Right is Yellow Auto-Route DVD-lab offers an option of automatic button routing. That means DVD-lab will automatically determine a best routing pattern and populate the button navigation parameters for you. In many cases, this will be quite acceptable, as it follows simple matrix logic. Manual-Route For less traditional design, Auto-Route may not be what you want. Consider the following image: We have buttons position in a circle. Here normal matrix logic will not work. On the following picture it shows that using auto-routing you will have to press right key to go from button 2 to button 1 and a down key to go from the button 2 to button 3. It may not look like a big deal, but try to navigate such menu in a real life. You will be guessing what buttons you have to press in order to get somewhere. Clock Navigation Even if it may look alien at first, the best way to navigate such menu would be in a circle. That means we would set up the keys Up and Right going clockwise and the keys Down and Left going counter-clockwise. In the image above, we see only right navigation links for better clarity. Watch where the arrow points and you will see all of the arrows go clockwise. That's why, in DVD-lab you have the option to switch the Auto-Routing off and draw the links manually. Drawing links manually is very easy. First, un-check the Auto-Route checkbox. Then, select one of the four link directions to draw with buttons, these are shown as color coded next to the Auto-Route checkbox. Let's say for example, you choose Up. Now, click on the Menu button that will be the FROM button and drag to the button that will be the TO button. Note: When drawing links, only the links of the same kind will be shown. That is, if you are drawing an up link, you will only see up links. It is logical this way. Blind Link You can by design, make a link that does nothing. If you don't want a direction arrow to point to any object, drag it to a space where there is no object. Such link will be blind, meaning the user can press a button for that direction, but nothing will happen. Looping Another type of navigation is looping. The right arrow of the end button (3) links back to the first button (1) and the left arrow of first button (1) links back to the end button (3). Zig-zag Navigation Another type of navigation is Zig-zag . The end of one row navigates to beginning of next row and vice versa. Note: Remember to draw all four direction navigation links. When finished drawing the Up arrows, then continue with the Down arrows, etc... Note: If you were to switch back to Auto-Route ON, all of your manual navigation layouts will be lost! It's one way or the other only. Finally, you can test your Menu navigation layout in a Simulation view within DVD-lab.
- Amanda - Your Ford Escape is equipped with a navigation system... You should use the Points of Interests on the system to help you along your way!
- Navigation is a fairly early technology in Civilization games but a promotion in Civilization IV.
- Navigation är den vetenskapen om lokalisering av läget och rita kursen av skepp, flygplan och rymdskepp. Under 2005 efter striden, var Daedalus tillbaka till Jorden där det grundligt inspekteras och reparerades. På vägen tillbaka till Atlantis så blev ett datavirus aktiv under flera skepp system, som laddades upp av Wraith under skeppets sista möte. Dataviruset tog kontroll av Daedalus navigationsdator och styrde till en närliggande stjärna. Efter flera försök lyckades besättningen utplåna dataviruset i systemet efter full systemavstängning. (ATL: "The Intruder") För 30 000 år sedan lanserades ett skepp från Asgard hemvärld Othala. Besättningen var placerad i skendöd men det blev ett i navigeringssystemet och skeppet var förlorat. Genom årtusenden skeppet drev genom tomrummet mellan Ida och Vintergatan galaxerna och kraschade på Adara II. (SG1: "Revelations")
- Navigation is an activity that helps leading an organism to a biologically useful goal. It requires information processing. Typical circuits enabling navigation, thus forming the basis of homeostasis and cybernesis are:
* Feedback
* Feedback control systems
* ASIA elements
* Feedforward control
* Antagonistic redundancy
* Lateral inhibition
* Reafference principle
* Neural networks
- World of Warcraft(ワールド オブ ウォークラフト)はディアブロを開発した米Blizzard Entertainment社が開発し、運営しているオンラインゲームである。同社が開発販売しているウォークラフトシリーズの世界観を受け継いだMMORPG。WindowsのほかMac OS Xでも動作する。グラフィックは3Dだが、要求スペックが低めに抑えられているのが特徴。通常は「WoW」と略記される。 2008年6月現在、全世界での有料アカウント数は約1000万人で、MMORPG史上最も成功した作品といわれている。[1]
- Please see the menus above for the main site navigation.